All stores missing – EXTREMELY URGENT!
I have just updated this plugin to the latest version & all my stores have gone missing. They are not in the WordPress dashboard area & obviously not on the frontend of the site. Has anyone experienced this with the latest update? Any fixes?
Thanks in advance.
Was a notice shown that the store locations need to be converted to custom post types? Did you complete that step?
I didn’t notice any notice like that, after I did the update the only thing that came up was a notice to subscribe to something like a newsletter so I just dismissed it. I was updating several plugins at the time but I am sure nothing like that came up.
I guess something timed out and the upgrade didn’t fully run.
You have to force the upgrade procedure to run again, and the easiest way to do this is by going to cpanel ( or whatever admin panel your host provides you ), open phpMyadmin, go to the option table for your WordPress install and look for ‘wpsl_version’, set it to 1.8 ( it should say 2.0 ), save it and reload the wp admin area.
That should trigger the upgrade notice to show up.
Let me know if you don’t want to do this through phpMyadmin, but prefer to edit some php files to force the upgrade procedure to run again. phpMyadmin is the easier solution here.
That worked. Thank you some much for all your help!!
Thank you for the great plugin.
Version 2.0.2 erased all my locations.
I tried with manually doing the phpmyadmin version change.
For some reason this doesn’t work. I change to version 1.8 on that row content but for some reason it “snaps back” and just reverts to 2.0.2
Is there some other way of migrating manually to the proper format that versions 2.0.2 use?
Please help me. The locations being erased is causing me a HUGE deal with a customer.
Thank you very much!
It didn’t erase your locations, the old db is still there.. 2.0.2 just uses a different format, and unless they are converted they won’t show up.
It changes back after changing it in phpmyadmin? Maybe you somehow don’t have rights to make that change in phpmyadmin?
You didn’t see the upgrade notice? There is another way to get the upgrade procedure to run, but it requires some small code changes. You can read about it here
Hi Tijmen,
I have enjoyed your plugin for a while, but now I got a similar issue though the underlying problem seems different. I just updated your plugin to the latest version, I converted the stores as was asked via that message as well. However, now I have my store list in wordpress but nothing appears on the google maps integrated on my page. All I see is the starting location set in WP Store settings. It turns out that it has to do with W3 Total Cache Peformance plugin. I always had the setting minify JS enabled to improve page speed, but now your plugin doesn’t work. If I disable that your plugin and locations work again, but obviously i would like to have page speed as fast as possible.
Via the chrome console i get this error with minify js enabled:
Uncaught ReferenceError: google is not defined
M9QvL9AtLskvStXNyU9OBDL0s4qBYsU5uum5iQV6uZl5Oib6pXkpqUXFyUBVIAEA.js:1 getCurrentPosition() and watchPosition() are deprecated on insecure origins, and support will be removed in the future. You should consider switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS. See for more details.
M9QvL9AtLskvStXNyU9OBDL0s4qBYsU5uum5iQV6uZl5Oib6pXkpqUXFyUBVIAEA.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGALAre you aware of this issue or any thoughts about how to fix? Thanks.
You need to exclude the store locator page from being minified by W3 Total Cache. You can read more about it here.
I missed that post, thanks
Adding the 2 js files to the minify exclusion didnt work also. Adding the page to the exclusion fixed it. Though i still see this as a partial solution since the whole page is now excluded and thus loads relatively slower.
First let me say I love your the WP Store Locator. the issue i am having is the same as most i am reading. I did not see the upgrade notice and when the plug-in updated my visitors can no longer see locations. I did exactly what you recommend with phpMyadmin all worked and the conversion notice does appear. I click on start converting and get “timed out” message. my host increased the maximum execution time to max but the error still shows up.
my solution is to copy my data file to Excel then to impute the locations one by one again to the new wplocator very time consuming any help would be nice.
Hi there,
Like most have said your plugin is great but just having some issues with the update. I followed all these steps –
‘You have to force the upgrade procedure to run again, and the easiest way to do this is by going to cpanel ( or whatever admin panel your host provides you ), open phpMyadmin, go to the option table for your WordPress install and look for ‘wpsl_version’, set it to 1.8 ( it should say 2.0 ), save it and reload the wp admin area.
That should trigger the upgrade notice to show up.’
I saw the notice and converted locations to custom post types. I can see all the locations in wp admin but unfortunately my map on the front end remains empty .
Is there another setting i need to adjust?
When I check this page the locations load fine.
Are you loggedin in the admin area when you check it? Maybe there is a JS error that only shows for loggedin users? Can you check for JS errors in your browser, and also ( if you are loggedin ) logout and see if the page does work fine for you?
When I viewed the page in a different browser and then opted for the site not to use my location, they do appear.
Our stores are all in South America and my current location is the UK.
If your start location is in the UK, then you will normally never see any results in South America. Unless you have set the default search radius to 10.000km+ or so.
You can check the default search radius on the settings page on the search section.
Thanks Tijmen.
Appreciate the support.
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