• Resolved sawka



    I have been fighting for hours but cannot find a solution, or a similar problem described. I have exported the files, put them on a new server, and I am able to run the installer.

    However, after providing the data and clicking either “Run Deployment” or “Test connection” the site goes blank after a few seconds.

    I have checked the log and it finishes with:
    STEP1 COMPLETE @ 11:44:45 – TOTAL RUNTIME: 4.7511 sec.

    Is that a timeout issue? Can I fix it on my own or need to ask the provider for help?


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  • Thread Starter sawka


    I have also tried using the ‘Manual package extraction’, after the installer has extracted the files and went blank. I did it with the same database user and password, but it goes blank as well and in the log it says:

    Access denied for user ‘USERNAME’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

    Hey sawka,

    Checkout this question on the FAQs page I believe it may help or provide some clues about this issue:
    -> Browse to: https://lifeinthegrid.com/duplicator-faq
    -> Find section: “Database Issues”

    I would contact your host and find out the exact credentials you need…

    Hope that helps!

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