There is an easy and a hard solution for this problem.
The easy solution is to just go to Minify -> Advanced -> Never minify the following pages, and fill in the page you don’t want to have minified. So if your store locator is used on, then fill in ‘store-locator’.
You also try to add ‘wpsl-gmap.min.js and
wpsl-gmap.js’ to the ‘Never minify the following JS files’ section on the Minify -> Advanced page, and see if that fixes it.
The other solution, and this is more work, is to first go to General Settings -> Minify, and set the minify mode to ‘Manual’ instead of ‘Auto’. Then go to Minify -> JS, and add the js scripts one by one that are used on your site, except the js files from the store locator.
You can find the js scripts used on your site by pressing ctrl+u, or right mouse click > view source.
This option does give you full control over which scripts are minified, but it’s also more time consuming, and it can take a while before you get it right.
Also make sure that on the Minify -> HTML & XML -> HTML minify settings the ‘Inline JS minification’ is not enabled.
Let me know if one of the solutions fixes it for you.