hi andy
first sorry for the problem. I had checked your problem but how to solve it I can only make suspicions. First I checked the pluggable php file at line 1207. This line is part of internal wordpress redirect function. Our httpful.phar file is a packed php library which makes and handles all requests to the hearthis.at API.
So anything from your wordpress tries to redirect the requests which will done by this httpful file.
I dont understand why this happened because there is no need to do this. So I checked the requests and response header of your site and I found something very confusing. On every page I got an error because a file was not found. Details you can see in these 2 images.
Screen 1
Screen 2
On the 2nd screen you see that your wordpress redirects this request to a 404 not found page. But you will never see this page because this all happened before the real html code will send to the broswer. If you test GET Requests of a normal website the response is html code .But if you test your’s you will get this.
rexswain.com httpview of https://djandy.org.uk
So this is no html … this is an encrypted javascript code which handles any other requests before any other.
The nearly same script you will find in your facebook_comment_slider.min file. So the code comes from your facebook_comment_slider plugin.
In clonclusion … the error is caused by the facebook_comment_plugin because it takes each incoming request and send it via Ajax or Javscript to the wp_redirect and back to its correspending referer and this is for hearthis our httpful.phar file. A phar handles php but it is ne real php file. Each call which was made by this file has to be in the original php stream context and cannot be redirected through over scripts. Thats not allowed in php phar and is correctly to do so, because it has more security php. So php sends an error message from the packed phar file (line 1) to the function which will handle the redirect and thats wp_direct which is called via from within this facebook_comment_slider script.
We will try to find a solution. Maybe we’ll find a way to integrate a real php bridge so that you can choose if you will user phar or real php files. I hope i could help a lil’ bit ??