• Resolved dapster105


    I was extremely happy to come across your plug-in after suffering a few recent attacks via the Tor network.
    Unfortunately I can’t seem to get it to work?
    I’m testing by trying to access the site via the Tor browser and have checked that my exit node ip address is on your list, but still the site serves all content.
    I’m on a slightly old version of wordpress but that seems unlikely to be the issue. However, my entire site is on https so I wondered whether this might be the problem and whether you’ve tested such a scenario?


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  • Plugin Author hqpeak



    https on your web site isn’t problem at all.

    From the description you post in this thread I can identify 2 possible situations that will cause your wp instance doesn’t work properly with the plugin.

    1. The plugin requires DB user that have permissions to create tables. If this is the case then you can create table manually via db administratiove tool.

    2. Your web hosting doesn’t allow outgoing connections ( or allows them via proxy ). In case outgoing connections aren’t allowed ( this is needed in order to get the data from the service ) then you should change the php settings / firewall or in case of proxy then you should configure your wp instance. In order to test point 2 feel free to upload this file https://gist.github.com/Slavco/8841677#file-demo_tor_block-php and access it via tor browser. In case of proxy fill in the commented parts in this code and remove /*

    I hope this will help you, if not feel free to paste the results in this thread.

    Thread Starter dapster105



    Thanks for your advice.

    1. I can confirm table creation rights – [prefix]_blocker and [prefix]_blocker_log tables are created on activation.

    2. There is no outbound blocking – your script worked as expected from my server.

    The PHP error log is recording multiple entries similar to the following:

    WordPress database error Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' for query INSERT INTO [prefix]_blocker (ip) VALUES ('1303448555'), ('1418741701'), ('1480831727'), ('-1324170897'), ('-656768086'), ('712191995'), ('1211732547'), ('1575522146'), ('1339546917'), ('-638017168'), ('-1324791596'), ('1412303152'), ('1174425841'), ('1297101117'), ('-1247654584'), ('1511699809'), ('-1402846385'), ('-1771371294'), ('1481340212'), ('1340443261'), ('-1237024155'), ('1344260415'), ('1312149932'), ('521318213'), ('1340558040'), ('838951587'), ('-1336532205'), ('1417797295'), ('-1308557375'), ('-754282514'), ('1481354492'), ('-725251623'), ('1409262531'), ('1342703824'), ('1314658929'), ('696958351'), ('783898219'), ('-1336525565'), ('1446514776'), ('1338013739'), ('1340720392'), ('1294550370'), ('-1308290222'), ('-666683253'), ('1568932450'), ('1500528814'), ('-1139347486'), ('99561475'), ('787883427'), ('1344260655'), ('1266192694'), ('1568746744'), ('1755856591'), ('1593670385'), ('-1032434637'), ('1591667836'), ('-1062940224'), ('1470761199'), ('-1295325164'), ('1839847760'), ('1574600965'), ('1471769128'), ('1351503148'), ('1292054088'), ('-2042800905'), ('411468369'), ('1457151043'), ('-735664397'), ('1308553570'), ('1339817350'), ('786411783'), ('1350596274'), ('-1185508163'), ('-541737086'), ('1529660697'), ('1548479696'), ('873786366'), ('1469910237'), ('787883421'), ('1573406935'), ('697209966'), ('1406728738'), ('1418876349'), ('1530040410'), ('94698190'), ('-1336521418'), ('49430665'), ('627816503'), ('1573406893'), ('-735052151'), ('1609161742'), ('1574882376'), ('-613929941'), ('1471326109'), ('523035810'), ('1527940164'), ('1310903214'), ('-610158810'), ('703995591'), ('-1376435830'), ('1477807736'), ('-1308400217'), ('-1138740313'), ('1471342081'), ('96970703'), ('-1125444786'), ('92648255'), ('1527157999'), ('1361111911'), ('-1336527513'), ('1592182439'), ('1421296788'), ('1471078133'), ('1464771930'), ('-1336519719'), ('1573373661'), ('-1054706670'), ('85738061'), ('-705662479'), ('1312031655'), ('-1307013657'), ('1530316559'), ('1586037306'), ('-639053925'), ('1295211824'), ('1335314972'), ('1312151050'), ('-1303496499'), ('1492414829'), ('1043303122') made by require_once('C:\inetpub\wwwroot\[webdir]\wp-admin\admin.php'), require_once('C:\inetpub\wwwroot\[webdir]\wp-load.php'), require_once('C:\inetpub\wwwroot\[webdir]\wp-config.php'), require_once('C:\inetpub\wwwroot\[webdir]\wp-settings.php'), do_action('init'), call_user_func_array, tor_table_update_check, tor_fill_table

    This seems odd since there doesn’t look to be any attempt to insert ‘0’ into the primary key id field.

    I wonder if this might be something to do with the MySQL setup? I’m not an expert in this!

    The table structure in the database is as follows:

    delimiter $$
    CREATE TABLE <code>redbrick_blocker</code> (
      <code>ip</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (<code>ip</code>)

    Any clues here?


    Plugin Author hqpeak


    empty the table and the plugin will take care for the rest. If not secret could you post your wp version too?

    Plugin Author hqpeak


    or better deactivate and then activate the plugin ( before activation check the db again and if tor blocker table exist feel free to drop it )

    Thread Starter dapster105



    I tried de-reactivating and observed the tables being destroyed and re-created but the errors persist.

    The table is created and populated but it seems this error happens 30 times (with different sets of IPs) in a row every 30 minutes as part of the background updating.

    WP is latest 4.3.1

    The problem appears to be that the ip column of the table is an unsigned int but the script is trying to insert negative integer values (see error log in previous message).

    Not sure if the table is incorrectly created or the data being inserted is nonsense. Could you describe the ip address format you’re storing in the database?


    Plugin Author hqpeak


    32bit operating system?

    Thread Starter dapster105


    Yes. Win Server 2008 x86.
    The old integer overflow classic?

    Plugin Author hqpeak


    yup ip2long… If this is production machine then I can guide you how to modify the plugin in order to work with your setup. DB column alter and slight code alter and will work ??

    Thread Starter dapster105


    Yes it’s a production machine and no likelihood of shifting to 64-bit any time soon unfortunately.

    Any tips gratefully received. I could probably figure it out with some trial, error and pain but if you could help that would be great!

    Will you find a way to support 32bit and 64bit together ‘officially’ in the future do you think?

    Plugin Author hqpeak


    I’ll create gist for you today tommorow. Follow this tread

    Plugin Author hqpeak



    1. deactivate the plugin
    2. empty / drop tables
    3. replace torblocker.php with https://gist.github.com/Slavco/4a667b63767636074498

    That is it ??

    Thread Starter dapster105



    Thanks for your help. Unfortunately the code is still generating errors as it tries to store numbers which are too large for the database field.

    My understanding is that MySQL Int is always 32-bit regardless of O/S architecture and so will not be able to store many of these numbers over the unsigned 32-bit max of 4294967295:

    WordPress database error Duplicate entry '4294967295' for key 'PRIMARY' for query INSERT INTO *****_blocker (ip) VALUES ('99206155169'), ('7718117174'), ...

    Need to use BIGINT datatype in the DB?

    Plugin Author hqpeak


    https://gist.github.com/Slavco/4a667b63767636074498 here it is update. It will work with md5 hash values of the ip address. Change the column type to varchar length 32. Reset the install and will work ??

    Thread Starter dapster105


    Thanks for that. MD5 was a good idea!

    I have to make a couple of tweaks to get everything working properly:

    1. updated the table creation on activation to create IP column as VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL as you suggested.

    2. fixed single quotes around $user2long in the SELECT statements within match_adress().

    Thanks for all your help – it’s now working beautifully.

    Plugin Author hqpeak


    Perfect, I’m glad you find is useful!

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