• Resolved Relox


    Hi everyone i need your help or the developer, help me, i install this plugin through my acount Admin wordpress it comes fine until an advertisment appear to the top of the plugins page, and it says force your website to use SSL the click en force then they took me out of my page and an error appears:

    404 Not Found

    The server can not find the requested page:

    https://www.mirarqperspectivas.com/wp-admin/ (port 443)

    Please forward this error screen to https://www.mirarqperspectivas.com’s WebMaster.

    i have read in too many forums of what i need to do i enter to my host panel in this case host gator i delete the Simple SLL folder in the word press plugins, now i dont want to lose all my data that i have in there.

    I will appreciate any hel please!!!.


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  • Plugin Contributor Rogier Lankhorst


    The plugin couldn’t detect ssl on your system, so you got a warning, and the option to force ssl if you were sure to have ssl. If you really are sure you do have SSL, your servervariables are probably not set. To counter that, add:
    $_SERVER["HTTPS"] = "on";
    tot the top of your wp-config.php
    This will be automated in the next release.

    If you do not have an SSL certificate:
    follow these steps to uninstall (as described in the faq):

    1) Remove the plug-in rules from the .htaccess file
    2) change the siteurl back to http by adding


    to your functions.php (where example.com is your domain of course). Remove afterwards. If you use defines in your wp-config.php or functions.php for your urls, change that too.

    3) rename/delete the plug-in folder (wp-content/plugins/really-simple-ssl).

    4) Check if your wp-config.php was edited, if so, remove the really simple ssl lines.

    5) Clear your browser history, or use a different browser.

    Thread Starter Relox


    Hi thanks for your response but i dont find where to put this in to

    the inside file said this ;

    The base configuration for WordPress
    * The wp-config.php creation script uses this file during the
    * installation. You don’t have to use the web site, you can
    * copy this file to “wp-config.php” and fill in the values.
    * This file contains the following configurations:
    * * MySQL settings
    * * Secret keys
    * * Database table prefix
    * * ABSPATH

    where do i puto the url ? thnkyou

    Thread Starter Relox


    Hi again sorry but im a begginer in this , i managed to edit the .htacces file then i delete this:

    # BEGIN rlrssslReallySimpleSSL rsssl_version[2.1.18]
    # END rlrssslReallySimpleSSL

    I saved the modified. htacces.

    Then the second step its where im stuck .

    i don know where to put the url, in the wp-config.php?

    Hi Rogier,

    I’ve got exactly the same problem. I tried all your recmmended steps and my site looks like this now: https://perped.es


    Thread Starter Relox


    Hi Sascha can you help me to find where do i need to put


    in functions.php?


    Hi Relox,

    I included the lines under

    function _config_wp_home( $url = ” ) {
    if ( defined( ‘WP_HOME’ ) )
    return untrailingslashit( WP_HOME );
    return $url;

    But I’m really not sure … possibly it would be better to wait for the developers request.

    Plugin Contributor Rogier Lankhorst



    The update_option should be added to the functions.php. Which is located in: wp-content/themes/youractivetheme/functions.php. Add:


    (change example.com to your domain) at the top of this file.

    This will reset your siteurl and homeurl.

    @sascha, I can see your site does not have an ssl certificate. Follow the steps mentioned above to uninstall.


    Thread Starter Relox


    Hi RogierLankhorst im really grateful for your support, i have the site back again and the admin area, thankyou for your explanation,i was finding this too dificult for me because im a beginner i will be more carefully installing this kind of plug-ins.

    I think this issue is resolved, thanks a lot.

    and thanks Sascha Rubert for your coment.

    I tried the steps several times. Like Relox still asked, do i have to include the lines (with my domain of course) in the functions.php of my theme just at the end? Or at the beginning? I’m sorry not not be a pro…

    Plugin Contributor Rogier Lankhorst


    No problem at al.

    Just add them at the top/beginning of your file. If you add this code, do a request on your website and it should reset. Make sure you use the functions.php of your active theme.

    Hm.. doesn’t work. I try it again later, new day – new brain ?? I’ll let you know. Thank you very much!

    Plugin Contributor Rogier Lankhorst


    Did you remove the .htaccess rules and rename the plugin as well?

    Do you maybe have a define in your wp-config where your siteurl and homeurl are set? These should be changed as well.

    If you can’t figure it out, send me an email at rogier /at/ rogierlankhorst.com, we’ll work it out.


    Good morning Rogier,

    I removed the rules in .htaccess, renamed the plugin and there are nodefines in my wp-config. I changed siteurl and homeurl in the database manually from https to http.

    Nothing happens, I’ve got no idea.


    To all the futer readers: Rogier helped me after his work and figured out that I edited the wrong funktions.php. Read Post 8., then it will work. Thanks again, Rogier!

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