• I’ve been trying to link to an uploaded music file and create the flash audio player in a post for a week now without success. I’m clearly doing something wrong, but I have no idea what. Can anyone troubleshoot my ineptitude?

    I’m following as exactly as possible the instructions at the WordPress FAQ ‘How Do I Get Music On My Blog?‘ But it’s not working, all I get when I save and preview is the html code, no audio player. It’s a 19MB file, but that shouldn’t present a problem. It’s named correctly, with no spaces, all lowercase, and the mp3 tag at the end. (See this URL for the file address here.)

    The code I’m posting is this exactly: [audio https://www.manandultraman.com/audio/madrush.mp3%5D

    Anyone see any errors in that? Any reason why it shouldn’t give me an audio player instead of just the code itself? Many thanks in advance!

    Incidentally, the home address for my blog is here: https://psharbaugh.wordpress.com/

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  • The link you posted is incorrect. This is correct, https://www.manandultraman.com/audio/madrush.mp3 and plays music.

    BTW, your site does not validate. If you are using non-validating code, it is hard to check for problems. Go here to validate your code https://validator.w3.org/

    Thread Starter psharbaugh


    Thanks for the reply. I’m a little confused, though. The instructions WordPress provides in their FAQ specifically state to place the URL of the file inside brackets, following the word “audio” and a space, which is what I posted above. But the link you posted in your reply does not include either the brackets or the word “audio.” You’re right, it plays the audio from that link fine, but when I place it in a post and save it, I get no flash music player, just a web URL that sits there and does nothing. Here’s what WordPress says to do:

    Upload an mp3 file somewhere on the internet and link to it like this [audio ] with the address inside.
    Like this:
    [audio https://wpcom.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/mattmullenweg-interview.mp3%5D
    That will produce the following audio player.

    So I’m following their instructions for producing a flash player in a blog post to the letter, quite literally. But all I get is a post with a URL in it, regardless of whether I use the version with the brackets and the word “audio” inside it or just the bare address of the file itself.

    I’m embarrassed to admit I have absolutely no idea what non-validating code is, what that means relative to my blog, how it happened, or how to correct it. I’ve been using WordPress for two years, and this is the first time I’ve run across the term…

    The non-validating code refers to the newer stricter XHTML format for webpages. Typically you’ll fail to “validate” because the html tags required by XHTML are somewhat different than the regular ones. One exampl is if you ever use the br html code to add a line break in a post, you need to add a / inside the <> after the br to “close it off”.

    Which FAQ? I would like to read it.

    In the interim, there are several plugins that might help you. Do a search for flash music player.

    Thread Starter psharbaugh


    The WordPress FAQ post I’m referring to is here: ‘How Do I Get Music On My Blog?

    Again, I’m not using the standalone WordPress software but a free blog hosted by WordPress, which is why I can’t use a separate audio plugin for this purpose. But the audio player WordPress provides is supposed to work fine for their free hosted blogs without additional plugins.

    The FAQ and your site are from wordpress.com. Questions concerning their FAQ should be addressed to their support.

    Thread Starter psharbaugh


    Er, sorry but that FAQ very specifically refers to the free hosted version of WordPress, as does my first post above, as well as my blog’s address there. Sincerely don’t mean to step on toes, but there doesn’t seem to be a separate FAQ or forum site for WordPress.com. Clicking on the FAQ link at WordPress.com Support only directs to the www.ads-software.com FAQ, which is how I got here.

    Is there anybody else out there who can provide some insight into my question? Many thanks in advance…

    I was wondering if you ever figured out a solution to this problem because I am currently having the same problem with posting mp3 to my blog. I paid for the upgrade of space so I could load and play MP3s right there on my site, but I can only get the link to open in a new page and the MP3 flash player doesn’t show up no matter if I follow the WordPress FAQ to a T…just like you did. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks Jay.

    Did you ever get this worked out?

    Try this:

    I have also successfully used:

    You may need to go to Settings: Audio Player andd tweak your settings.

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