Ok, so I think I have this figured out, but I’m not sure how you want me to proceed with it. After looking into it, the two pages you are using the shortcodes on are using different page templates. The page that the year links is on is using a custom template that it looks like you created called template-press-releases.php
that is located int he child theme. Then the page that displays the actual posts is using the default page.php
template from the parent theme.
The page.php
template has some code in the sidebar.php
file that it includes that starts off with “Display a subnavigation for pages that is automatically generated, so the users do not need to work with widgets” as a comment. So that’s where the list of pages is coming from that you said were not included in a widget. You were correct about that. You do have this turned off in page options though.
Then in the page editor for the page called “Press Release 2” there is an option to select the sidebar you want to use, and it was not set to the custom widget area you created called “News Stories”. Unfortunately, even after I changed that setting to the correct “News Stories” option it still does not display the “News Stories” widgets.
The only thing that I can figure out is that something with your theme’s default page.php
template is blocking you from using custom widgets areas that you create. If I change the page template on the “Press Release 2” page to use the template-press-releases.php
template, and set the widget option on the page editor to use “News Stories” widgets, then your sidebar shows up correctly. I’ve left it that way for you to take look at.
Aside from that, I believe it may be worth contacting the theme author and find out why the default page template won’t allow you to use custom widget areas that you create.
Sorry about the long post, this was pretty confusing to figure out, and even more confusing to try and explain by typing it out. Let me know if I can do anything else or if you need further explanation.