Thanks for trying the plugin. I am very sorry for the inconvenience that the website downtime caused. The site is up and working now, please check and let me know if you face any issue.
We are working on to add more articles to the knowledge base in the next 2-3 days, so please bear with us. While that is completed, I would try to answer all your queries here over the support thread. Here are some of them for your review:
a. Information on the kind of goods they can sell (physical/downloads)
>>As of now, there is no limitation on the products that vendors can sell. The plugin supports all the 4 product types supported by default WooCommerce- Simple, Variable, Group, External. It does supports virtual/downloadable product type too.
b. The maximum file size of uploads
>> This one follows the default WordPress media file size restriction i.e 2 MB.
c. The recommended size for product images and so on.
>> We have tried to keep the plugin free from any kind of restriction for image size because we know that every site can have a different theme. So the best size that you theme allows for the product image is the size that you can ask your vendors to upload.
I do see that the current set of knowledge base articles might not answer all your questions. In that case, if you share a questionnaire with the aspects that you see would help the site vendors, then I can create a knowledge base based on the same and in fact add that to the site for other users too. You can drop me an email with the questionnaire at [email protected].
If those answers helped, a 5/5 rating for the plugin would definitely appreciated.