• Hi – great plugin!

    I was wondering if there was a way to show the gallery on the profile page WITHOUT having to click on a separate “Images” tab?

    Basically, I want all user profiles to be split into two columns, where the left side has all the text information, and the right side has any images that have been uploaded — that way the images are seen right away, instead of having to click on a separate tab in order to view them.

    Any help in getting the gallery to display this way would be greatly appreciated! Thanks


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  • Thread Starter RojoTheBear


    Any possibility for this?



    Hi there!
    I would love to know the answer too, I want to do the same thing and can’t figure it out.
    Thanks for answering!



    The only way I got it to work was to copy some code of ultimate-member-gallery.php. Since I was not able to make it think that the profiletab was = gallery_photo.

    So add:

    global $ultimatemembergallery;
    		$prefix = '.min';
    		    if( defined('UM_GALLERY_DEBUG') ){
    		        $prefix = '';
    			wp_register_script('um_gallery_scripts', UM_GALLERY_URI . "assets/js/um-gallery{$prefix}.js", array('jquery'), $this->version, true );
    			wp_register_script('prettyphoto', UM_GALLERY_URI . 'assets/prettyphoto/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js', array('jquery'), '3.1.6', true );
    			wp_localize_script( 'um_gallery_scripts', 'um_gallery_scripts', array(
    			     'galleryimageupload' => UM_GALLERY_URI . 'lib/upload/um-image-upload.php',
    			     'umg_admin_ajax' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php')
    			wp_register_style('um_gallery_style', UM_GALLERY_URI . "assets/css/um-gallery{$prefix}.css", '', $this->version, 'all' );
    			wp_register_style('prettyphoto', UM_GALLERY_URI . 'assets/prettyphoto/css/prettyPhoto.css', '', '3.1.6', 'all' );

    Basicly it’s line 94 to 127, I might have removed some part of the video gallery because I don’t plan on using it.

    Hope this can help you !

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