• I try to make the upload of the file and it go out this error:
    copy(D:\Inetpub\webs\——\wordpress/wp-images/user/—-.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied in D:\Inetpub\webs\——–\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\exhibitimg\exhibit10f.php on line 589

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  • Thread Starter Anonymous

    me too can anyone solve that?

    You can check to make sure that your “wp-images” folder is chmodded to 777

    Using chmod on Windows is difficult.
    You must set the permissions on the “wp-images” directory so that your web server can write there. Usually this involves adding the web user (IUSR_computername) to that directory as a user with write permissions. You might be able to configure this through your web server administration interface.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    with my program ftp (smartftp v.1.0) I see that the chmod is 755, then I put it to 777, I press ok, but all stay always unchanged. Is there a way to manually change the chmod for wp-images?
    (for ringmaster): the interface of my web server? no the interface of my wordpress?
    ehm… where is the interface of my webserver …? : – $

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    When I try to change from 755 to 777, I read “500 unknown command.”.. on log of the program ftp…

    Let me try to explain this…
    Your server is a Windows server. Windows doesn’t have permissions that operate on mode (using chmod). Your FTP client provides you with the option to set the mode of files, but your server doesn’t accept those commands. If anyone tells you to use chmod, they’re talking about Linux. You server is not Linux; you have Windows.
    You need to talk to your host about getting write access for the web user of your image directory. Just email them:
    “I need to have write permission to my ‘<directory here>’ directory from PHP scripts. Can you please set up these permissions for me?”
    The new (1.1a) version of Exhibit might even tell you the name of the directory to insert into your email.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    I have version 1.2 of Word Press and I am really enjoying Exhibit. However, when I click on the New Directory nothing happens. Any ideas?

    Get the new version.

    ringmaster, I have a different bug that shows up in IE. I always use FireFox so I didn’t notice it until now. Here’s a link with a screen capture. Any ideas?

    Well, at least the Alt properties are working. Heh.
    Actually, that looks like an IE caching issue. Just right-click on one of the broken images and click “Show Picture”. Everything should pop into view. At least, when I folled my own instructions, that all worked out.

    Ok, I installed the latest version 1.1a and that seemed to fix the problem. Now I’m having another problem. In IE whenever I hover over the image icon and the rotate icon I get a dialog that pops-up a script error that says:
    A runtime Error has occurred… etc.
    Line: 104
    Error: ‘iebody’ is undefined

    In exhibitimg/exhibit10f.php line 162, replace “iebody” with “toast”.
    My IE is set not to pop-up errors, so I didn’t notice this one.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    I have asked the permissions, my host has responded that is not possible. However my dominio is half win and half linux, and the technician of the host has said that I can use chmod in the perte linux of my site. And he has not said other…
    Which would this part be linux of my site? :-$
    For the win part there are three folders default, among which a named “public” in which seems there is the permissions for the writing (php etc.)
    Should I move the folder wordpress there? rewriting all the addresses?

    Ok, ringmaster, I fixed the runtime error as you said.
    Now it sort of works. When I hover over the icon for the first time, it shows the preview thumbnail properly. But curiously, the second time I hover the thumbnail seems to be streched verticaly! This stays streched for avery future hover of that icon. It’s like it thinks that the image is rotated so it changes the dimension but the image is not really rotated. It’s wierd.

    That’s totally an IE bug. If you specify a width for an image and not a height, it’s supposed to (by W3C spec) resize the image proportionally. FireFox works as it should, but IE – for whatever idiotic reason – only displays it correctly the first time and does something truly bizzare the second time.
    The only way I can thing to fix it is to fetch the size of the image from each file and include that in the javascript call for the popup. Alternatively, as I have in my own installation, you could disable that script. And the best solution to this problem is to use FireFox. ?? When I figure out how to make it work properly in IE, I’ll include that code.
    Your server situation confuses me. I can tell you what in Exhibit isn’t working because of the way your server is configured, but it doesn’t seem wise of me to offer advice on how specifically to configure your server. Nonetheless, I would advise you that a host that can’t set write permissions on any directory you like is not a host you should have to put up with.
    I don’t know what craziness allows you to run a half-Windows/half-Linux server (??) to host WordPress, but that’s outside of my scope of knowledge. There are billions of dirt-cheap Linux hosts that all of this script will run great on without issue.

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