• OK, this is getting old.

    I updated the WP-o-Matic plugin to the latest release candidate. It **was** working though I was getting a lot of duplicate posts. It was so bad, I did not let anything hit the blog without being “approved” first.

    I followed the upgrade directions. I deactivated and removed the plugin, removed the tables from the database, reinstalled and started fresh. I had to enter all my campaigns and feeds again, but I assumed updating was a good thing. I figured it would be worth it.

    Now, with RC2, all I get are duplicates. It’s choking on the same half a dozen posts. I get them over and over. I just deleter 109 entries, all duplicates.

    And the author’s support on the site is not so good. My posts to his comment area have not been approved, much less answered. So I come here.

    I had FeedWordPress and had similar issues, but now this is totally unusable for me. The site I am building is dependent on the RSS feeds for 80% or more of the content. It’s so bad, I am considering returning to FeedWordPress. I also was looking for other solutions. On a test blog, SmartRSS never worked, and I can’t seem to locate WP Autoblog (A Syndication Plugin by Elliott C. Back). From Elliott’s blog, he has removed his plugin from the WP world because it has potential for abuse by spam blogs (splogs?).

    There are some that would claim I am “abusing” RSS feeds in the same manner, but I am not passing this stuff off as my own content, every post is clearly attributed back to the original site. But that’s not the issue here…

    So my question is two-fold.

    1) What is the best auto-blogging and RSS importing plugin out there? What works best?

    2) How can I fix WP-o-Matic and make it usable?

    I appreciate your assistance in this matter.


    Dave Lowe [[email protected]]
    Starfleet News Service — https://www.starfleetnews.com

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  • riger99


    I’m getting the same thing with the 1.0pre5 version as well. Everything was working great. Now for some reason, it randomly selects campaigns and posts the same article 10 to 20 times in a row!



    Yup. Had to uninstall it. I was not only getting double posts, but triple and quadruple! Guess we’ll have to wait for an update.

    I’m having the same issue. It’s like, if I don’t post something for a few days, it pulls the most recent posts over and over again. I had 20 duplicate posts from one original entry!


    I also had the same multi-duplicates problem, but just found this.


    Havent seen results yet, but it’s sure easy to implement.


    Initial tests were positive. I tested by clicking the Fetch link. No duplicates happened. Yay.

    Because of the simple logic of this fix (you add one line of code to post.php and it checks for duplicates before printing), this should work when functioning on its own.


    Great fix for duplicates I guess, but how doe you get the cron working in the first place — I am still having to manually fetch the rss… If anyone can help I would appreciate it.


    I was having the same problem with automatic fetching, try unchecking the “Unix Cron” in the WP-o-Matic “Options menu. After unchecking this box, it started automatically fetching.

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