Latest Posts not fully responsive
When using Zerif Lite, if I choose the “Your Latest Posts” as the Static Front Page option, I’ve noticed an issue with responsiveness.
When using a caching plugin (in this case ZenCache), the home page is cached and stored when it is accessed for the first time.
I figured Zerif Lite was fully responsive, meaning the HTML and CSS were identical no matter what device accesses the site and the CSS would sort out the proper layout based on screen size?
But it seems if the device is small the latest posts carousel will show fewer entries. For example, if the home page is accessed from a smart phone it will show only one latest post entry, on a desktop it will show 4. The problem is then this page is cached for all subsequent visitors. If a smartphone hits first, then a desktop user who comes later will see just one entry in the latest posts area.
I understand it is my choice to use a caching plugin, but is this the intended behavior of Zerif Lite? Why not use CSS only to change the layout of the latest posts on the fly so that what is displayed is screen size dependent as calculated by CSS and not hard coded into the HTML? That would make it truly responsive.
FYI, I’ve not noticed any other area of Zerif Lite that has this issue.
Please consider changing this behavior to make it truly responsive.
Thank you.
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