• Since upgrading WP, I’m suddenly getting the error message “No RSS Addresses are entered to your links in the Links SubPanel, therefore no items can be shown!”

    I see from the banner on the top of the WP plugin page for this, that the plugin has not been updated for 2 years. I’m hoping that someone (ideally crazygirl herself) who understands PHP can put a fix together. I have no idea myself from looking at the coding.

    All I know is that the RSS addresses are entered as per the instructions and that the plugin WAS working here: e t h e r w o r k [dot] n e t [slash] b l o g [slash] about-the-bread-baking-babes/#bbbabe_links (no active link by design in attempt to keep spammers at bay)

    Thank you for any help you can offer.

    E. Morris


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