If you would like to use php code to generate tab content, you can use actions or filters in WordPress. It is not possible to add php code in the editor window for security reasons.
In the PRO version of the plugin you can add this code to your functions.php file in the directory of your active theme:
add_filter ('wct_woocommerce_tab_content', 'change_wct_woocommerce_tab_content', 10, 2);
function change_wct_woocommerce_tab_content($tab_content, $tab_code) {
$tab_content = 'Hi! ' . $tab_content; //the required content should be generated in this line
return $tab_content;
The required content should be placed into $tab_content variable.
You can find more information about filters here:
Another option in WP of creating a shortcode that generates the required content. This short code can be inserted in the content editor fields. You can find information about shortcodes here:
I hope this information is useful for you.