• I have looked around and could not find anything similar to my question. If anyone can share a link, it would be much appreciated.

    With WordPress esc_sql() it says…

    Note: Be careful to use this function correctly. It will only escape values to be used in strings in the query. That is, it only provides escaping for values that will be within quotes in the SQL (as in field = ‘{$escaped_value}’). If your value is not going to be within quotes, your code will still be vulnerable to SQL injection. For example, this is vulnerable, because the escaped value is not surrounded by quotes in the SQL query: ORDER BY {$escaped_value}. As such, this function does not escape unquoted numeric values, field names, or SQL keywords.

    if I do a query like so..

    $tablename = TABLE_NAME;//<- define('TABLE_NAME', 'MyTableName');
    $wpdb->query("DELETE * FROM ".esc_sql($tablename)." WHERE Var='".esc_sql($Var)."'");

    Will I be protected if I use back-ticks when inserting the table name the same as I would with the single quotes for the Var value?


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