xxx was last updated 46 years ago
Using this on a multisite, on the network plugin page I see about 20 or so plugins with the following message
~ plugin-name ~ was last updated 46 years ago and may no longer be supported.
Now I know WordPress has been around for a while, but were they really writing plugins for it in 1969?
And I have also found there is some kind of clash going on because with this plugin activated there is a noticeable prolonged delay when you click on any link in the dashboard. Its like this plugin is interfering or adding a wait state. It disappears and the site goes back to its normal speedy self as soon as the plugin is deactivated.
I can’t reproduce any slowness like that, which makes me think you have a conflict with a specific plugin.
What’s the name of the plugin that’s showing 46 years?
What other plugins are you running?
Yes, I would have to agree with you. That’s why I said “there is some kind of clash going on”.
Just haven’t found where yet/which/why yet.
There are several plugns which are old beyond their years, apparently Mika ~
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ZenCache Pro None (not Activated anywhere)Sorry for the long list. Its a dev site.
Okay so a better description is this: All plugins that are over two years without an update are showing up as 46 years without an update.
Awesome! It looks like they’re all also not from the repository?
Can you install…. and see if that shows up with the right date?
Yup, that seems to work OK ~
Bingo. Looks like I just have to figure out why plugins not on the repo are showing up like that. It’s very odd, though, since it looks like ALL your plugins not on the repo are doing that, regardless of age, and when I check on my site with some plugins not in the repo, they’re skipped as they should be.
You said this is a dev box? Is there anything special about it besides that?
As you well know, there’s “something special” about EVERY box. The question is, what’s doing it on this box?
Could it be that its running on PHP 7.0 RC4?
Heh, yeah, loaded question. Mostly asked to trigger thoughts of what else you’re dev testing.
On a phpinfo page, what does the system time show? Is it correct?
Its hard to tell really.
There’s so much of it and its all written technobabble.
There is one thing though which was a surprise.
PHP Version 7.0.0 RC6
I thought it was RC4
At the top you should have this sort of thing:
System Linux 2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 22 22:00:00 UTC 2015 x86_64 Build Date Sep 19 2015 15:20:18
Those are the first two lines ??
What are they?
(And yes, my server IS named mothra)
I have…
System Linux WPExpert 3.13.0-57-generic #95-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 19 09:28:15 UTC 2015 x86_64
How does that help?
Date formatting actually ??
Fri Jun 19 09:28:15 UTC 2015
You would not believe the crazy I’ve seen. The goal is to make sure that something really odd for PHP layouts isn’t showing up. Thanks for sending me your phpinfo. It’s .01 PHP ahead of mine, both fastCGI. So that’s weird as hell. Makes this being a PHP date/time breakage a little less likely.
46 years is DAMN specific though!
It’s getting the age via this function:
And this SHOULD be throwing an empty response:
You don’t say.
I thought it might have had something to do with the fact that his girl-friend left him on that day 46 years ago, and for him, the world simply stood still ever since. 8^)
Actually, when I think about it, its probably the flux capacitor.
It usually is.
I know you’re being funny, but I was serious. I am trying to reproduce it but I can’t. All I can think is ‘something’ has gummed yo your date time stamps.
Willing to give it the college ‘turn off all the other plugins’ try?
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