I’ve just tested the email notifications in Educator 1.6 and the test was successful.
Please check these facts about the email notifications in Educator 1.6:
When a student registers using PayPal or Stripe, the email notification is sent to the course author’s user email and to the student’s email. When a student registers using cash, check, or a bank transfer for payment, the email notification is sent to the student’s email only when a site admin approves the student’s payment in the backend (Educator ? Payments screen).
When an admin or a lecturer saves a grade for a quiz in the Educator ? Entries ? Progress screen only the student receives an email notification.
When a student’s membership expires, only the student receives an email notification.
Please check some of these recommendations in order to troubleshoot the issue with email configuration on your server:
- Please try to check if the email works at all on your WordPress website. You could try to use the WordPress’ core password reset feature (/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword) and check if you receive an email from this feature.
- Please go to the Settings ? General screen and check if the “E-mail Address” option is correct.
- Please go to the Educator ? Settings ? Email screen and check the “From Name” and the “From Email” options.
- Please check your spam folder, sometimes email notifications can end up in there.
- Please verify with your hosting provider that the email feature works properly on your server.