• My hosting providers firewall has locked me out a few times recently for too many connections (over 30) from my IP at home. I do wordpress updates from there. I advised them that I only have one browser open with two tabs. One tab to edit the wordpress site and the other to view the changes, periodically refreshing that tab to see my work. Its shared linux hosting. My provider has been great and understanding, but insist I have multiple connections going on.
    Some of the plugins Im using are text scroller, photo gallery, also the theme is mantra with a slideshow on home page.
    Any insight would be appreciated.

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  • Hello,

    Probably it’s your web hosting restrictions, take a look in this thread: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/100780/too-many-connections-to-server

    Did they provide any other information about that?

    Thread Starter originalstormcrow


    Thats basically what I said in my post.
    My belief is the connections are not being counted as a disconnect by the hosting provider once I close out a page or ftp, or even wordpress itself. My provider is a Linux hosting provider. Ive found that if a particular script in place in their operating system, then the counts continue to grow for the IP.

    What is the OS you are using on your laptop? You can try to list your network connections:
    lsof -i | grep -E “(LISTEN|ESTABLISHED)” to list all the established connections.
    Then you need to identify the connections they are talking about (probably using grep to filter by IP), check what’s going on then decide what to do.

    Hi Bianca,
    I have the same problem than originalstormcrow, I contacted my host provider and there is a restricton at 30 connections. They told me it wasn’t right to have 30 simultaneous connections so it was a developpment issue I had to fix on my side. I made a custom theme ok, but I didn’t played with the way the js and css are loaded so I don’t understand where the problem come from.
    Is it uncommon to have 30 connections? What do you think? Is it an issue on my side or on my host provider?

    Generate separate issue on forum.

    Are u using any kind of security plugin ?


    Had over 650(!) outgoing connections, probably caused by plug-in Mailpoet.

    I’m having the same problem, where my ISP says I have made 200 connections to their server and then get temporarily blocked on their firewall. It all happens in a matter of a minute.

    Here’s the kicker, it only happens when I use Chrome. I removed all Chrome extensions and it still does the same. If I use IE or FireFox, no problems. I’ve spent hours with the ISP troubleshooting this issue and it was Chrome, but still don’t know why. I’ve updated to the latest Chrome and still have the issue: Version 54.0.2840.87 m (64-bit)

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