Hi there!
Thanks for popping in ??
To answer your primary question – no it does not supply multiple accounts.
We had a few users requesting the feature, but we were a bit sceptical. Before the latest release 0.6 all our clients were authorising through our own app, which meant they all relied on it. Should it be suspended or abused, all users would have lost an ability to tweet. Therefore we migrated to an approach where users authorise their own apps.
However, due to the aforementioned change, we are now more inclined to release such feature. Tweet Wheel users will be individually responsible for what’s coming out of the Queue and how often without affecting other users. I’ve put that on the to-do list.
NB: Although Twitter requires your mobile phone number to allow new apps, you can use one app for all your copies of Tweet Wheel on individual websites.
To answer your second question – we are providing licensing only through Envato and either regular or extended license allows for one website use only. If you would like to use the plugin on a few websites you have to buy an appropriate amount of licenses (copies).
Hope this answers your questions and if you have any further questions, please do let me know ??