Wow! I used this information today. Thank you all. I thought I was doomed to start my blog over, but now I do not have to.
I could not log into my blog at all. I tried to resend the password, but then the key or something was wrong. Something was preventing me from getting into my blog. It was not a good feeling. After looking around the files and at the PHP codes and not finding anything there, I looked into the database. I found the password area for wp_user, and that lead to some discoveries but nothing I did there could fix it and I was so afraid I was going to destroy my data base.
I think I messed up because I had and admin account and a user account with the same email addresses. That was when I figured it was time to see if could help me. Thank goodness for your support forum!
I used that Codex link and followed the steps in my Data Base, and it worked! I had tried it earlier but did not know what M5 was. So when I saw that step I felt that had to be what I needed to do.
I am not all that much of a tech person, but I know where to go for help and this really was very helpful.
Thanks! I even wrote a blog post about my experience and referenced this page. I hope you don’t mind if I include it, but I want to be able to help other people in the same situation.
Thanks again.