• Hello!

    Our non-profit has been using a modified version of EDD and EDD Free Link on our site for a while now (we are very grateful for its existence).

    Recently, I’ve been trying to modify the code of EDD and/or EDD Free Link so that the EDD thumbnail image, when clicked, also opens the file (in addition to the download button itself).

    An example can be seen here: https://kidzneurosciencecenter.com/walksafe-parents/

    Unfortunately, I’ve found this a bit difficult to implement in PHP.

    From what I’ve been able to establish, the following PHP from download_link.php generates the URL to the file: <a href="<?php echo esc_url($download_url); ?>". It works fine when used in download_link.php, but not if I try to implement the code directly into EDD’s shortcode-content-image.php.

    I assume there is a prerequisite bit of code to generate the variable $download_url (which I see in `class.EddFreeLinkPlugin.php’), but I’ve yet to figure it out in its entirety.

    Any chance the variable to write the URL is easier than I’m making it out to be? I struggle a bit at .PHP; any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!



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