• Resolved Shapeshifter 3


    Arf! Arf! Arf!

    I’ve been using the the Blogsonry Child Theme and my Post Tags display in the order that I enter them (or rearrange themselves on their own erratically). What I desire is a consistent alphabetical order on my homepage, archive pages, and each individual post.

    The developer of my Child Theme politely responded to my first request here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-do-i-get-my-post-tags-to-alphabetize? but I was wondering if I could simply Copy & Paste a simple code change from this parent theme into my Child Theme somewhere (without having to use a plugin). Does anybody know how to do that?

    Here’s a link to my homepage: https://shapeshifter3.com/

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  • Thread Starter Shapeshifter 3


    A kind contributor on WordPress StackExchange suggested that I past this code into the functions.php file of my Child Theme (Blogsonry):

    add_filter( "term_links-post_tag", 'themeslug_sort_tags_alphabetically' );
    function themeslug_sort_tags_alphabetically( $tags ){
        natcasesort( $tags );
        return $tags;

    So far, it seems to work well.

    Thread Starter Shapeshifter 3


    Mark Root-Wiley, the developer of the Blogsonry Child Theme created a plugin using the above script: A-Z the Tags which negates the need to re-install the above script every time he updates his theme.

    Just download as a .zip file, and then upload to your plugins directory.

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