Hi refresh1029,
Sorry you didn’t get a response from my website’s contact form. I never received an email. I’ve checked my submissions back to December 1 but don’t see any missing submissions, so looks like something went wrong. Can you send me a direct email at themeofthecrop [at] gmail.com?
Did your web host provide you with an error message that’s being generated with the PDF export? They should be able to tell you precisely what errors are occurring when you try to export. And they should help you locate your server’s error log so that you can look these up yourself. That will help us pinpoint the source of the problem.
If you can get me the exact error messages that occur, that will at least give us some idea of the source of the problem. If you know where the error log is, you can look up the exact date and time of when you made a PDF export to see if an error is logged then.
Perhaps there is an error with the plugin’s code that can be worked out and I’m happy to help troubleshoot that. But I suspect it’s an issue with the server’s requirement. If we can identify that requirement, your hosts might be willing to enable certain features on your server.
Whose “fault” it is is largely semantic. The export addon requires that the server support some things for PDF rendering. If the server doesn’t, there’s nothing I’m aware of that I can do about that. The web hosts might call it “an issue with the plugin’s code”, but at the end of the day the plugin’s code can only work if the server supports features required by the plugin.