• Hello,

    after the removal of the wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content hook from yoast seo plugin, your plugin unfortunately isn’t working anymore. Have you any plans to integrate the JavaScript API which yoast is providing? shouldn’t it be possible to pass ACF strings via wp_localize_script to a JavaScript plugin for the content analysis tool which registers modifications for the content that is analyzed?

    Kind regards, Robert


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  • I don’t wish to hijack this plugin’s support forum in any way to spread my own work but I’ve actually implemented ACF support for Yoast 3.0 here. Should be possible to just download the repo as a zip and plug-n-play. https://github.com/marcusforsberg/yoast-acf-analysis

    Feel free to take a look at that. I haven’t gotten it to work for the “Recalculate SEO scores” tool in Yoast settings yet, but would be interested in co-operating with ryuheixys to get it to work so we can merge my changes in to this plugin, perhaps.


    This is very interesting and useful. I have a site that has almost all its content in ACF fields so Yoast was not doing well at all with it. I have added the https://github.com/marcusforsberg/yoast-acf-analysis plugin to my site and it does seem to be having a positive effect.

    I hope any further developments will be posted here, I’ll keep an eye on my inbox.

    I just updated acf and it seems to have caused problems with yoast-acf-analysis. I have had to disable yoast-acf-analysis for the time being.

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