Conflict with WordPress Helpers (and a solution)
Your dashboard widget conflicts with WordPress Helpers: widget assumes that you are on the DASHBOARD when checking for your widget, but WP Helpers also checks in the settings.
Here’s a quick solution:
IN THIS FILE: advanced-responsive-video-embedder/admin/class-advanced-responsive-video-embedder-admin.php
FUNCTION: add_dashboard_widget()
1) Add $pagenow as a global:
global $wp_meta_boxes, $pagenow;
2) Wrap your add code in a condition to check for index.php, all the way to the end of hte function.
if($pagenow != 'index.php') { $normal_dashboard = $wp_meta_boxes['dashboard']['normal']['core'];
With this solution your dashboard widget still works, but any plugins that check for those widgets won’t cause your plugin to throw a notice.
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