• Resolved sirenAri


    TL;DR: My old calendars (grid) appear but new ones don’t (grid nor list). Grouped calendars (new) don’t seem to keep grouped calendar setting.

    Installed Simple Calendar Version: 3.0.8

    A little back story might be needed to understand what’s going on here. Sorry if it’s a little long:

    I installed this plugin about a year ago and hadn’t gotten around to using it due to needing to update PHP (and the PHP update required an Apache update, etc.) and larger projects that came up. I had set up my calendars back then as well and as far as I can remember, I think they displayed fine.

    Last night we finally updated the server, WordPress, and all of our plugins. Today I’ve been working on getting these calendars up and running. I found out that the old calendars display fine in their specified grid format.

    I decided to change one to list view and suddenly it won’t appear anymore. I changed it back to grid (these were the only changes) and it still won’t appear.

    I opened a different calendar (which also worked) and (without changing anything at all) clicked on “Update.” Now it won’t display anymore.

    I then created a brand new calendar (thinking that somehow the settings may have been messed up) and used the same Google Calendar ID as one that is still working and changed no other settings. That new calendar won’t display either.

    I realize you had a major upgrade in the past year so I’ll specify what I have done already:
    Added my own Google API Key
    Shortcodes display things like: [calendar id=”6075″]

    I’m sure there’s more I’ve done update-wise, but I can’t think of them right now.

    I have another problem too though this may be related to the issue above. I created a new (which is why this may be related) calendar and made it a grouped calendar. I selected the calendars I wanted displayed and set up the rest of my settings (list view) and it doesn’t display. I looked back at the settings for that calendar and it keeps resetting the event source to Google Calendar instead of Grouped Calendar. Nothing that I can do can make it stay as a grouped calendar.

    I realize this could be a UI display issue and internally it may know that it’s a grouped calendar (especially since it “remembers” my selected calendars), but I figured you would want to know about this as well.

    Thanks for your help! I hope you have a great day!



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  • Thread Starter sirenAri


    Looks like it might be the plugin Role Scoper. Now I’m looking into getting rid of those silly extra sections that Role Scoper adds to the calendar “posts” since I think that’s what the problem is.

    Both issues above were solved by disabling the Role Scoper plugin. Sadly that means I can’t use this plugin until I figure out what I need to edit in Role Scoper since our site is using Role Scoper as a sort of CMS and I can’t just get rid of it.

    Anyways, just wanted to put this here so you know it’s fixed and in case anyone else has the same issue.



    I’ve run into the same problem, did you come up with a solution? I tried going into the Role Scoper settings: Roles > Options > Realm > Post Type Usage and unchecking “calendar”, which cleared a PHP Notice I found in the logs [13-Jan-2016 15:17:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: calendar_feed in /blah/blah/blah/wp-content/plugins/role-scoper/admin/filters-admin-save_rs.php on line 31 but didn’t fix the problem. So far just disabling the Role Scoper plugin and then changing a setting on the calendar and republishing it is the only thing I’ve found that will work.


    I was wrong, unchecking “calendar” in the Role Scoper settings didn’t eliminate that PHP Notice, it still occurs when I save changes to a calendar. Looks like Role Scoper is no longer maintained, so I’ll need to change to something else in the medium term. In the short term, this change to plugins/role-scoper/admin/filters-admin-save_rs.php seems to work:

    Change line 15 from:

    if ( in_array( $taxonomy, array( 'category', 'post_tag' ) ) || did_action( "pre_post_{$taxonomy}" ) )


    if ( in_array( $taxonomy, array( 'category', 'post_tag','calendar_category','calendar_feed','calendar_type' ) ) || did_action( "pre_post_{$taxonomy}" ) )

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