• At my web site, deconse.es, at front page the witget menu appears right under. This happens because is front page and not appears title. But in other page, for exemple https://deconse.es/colaboradores/ the witget area appears very down.
    There’re some pages that I don’t want text, only page’s title; and I want that witget menu appears higher up.
    I don’t know that CCS I have to change for reduce the space between text’s area and witget’s area.
    Sorry for my english

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  • Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Hi there, try adding this to your custom CSS to reduce the empty space on the Colaboradores page:

    .page-id-9 .site-main {
      margin-bottom: 0;
      margin-top: 1em;
    .page-id-9 .hentry {
      margin-bottom: 0;

    If you’d like to include other pages, find their unique ID and add to the above CSS, following this format:

    .page-id-9 .site-main, .page-id-XX .site-main  {
      margin-bottom: 0;
      margin-top: 1em;
    .page-id-9 .hentry, .page-id-XX .hentry {
      margin-bottom: 0;

    Replace XX with the real page ID, which you can find by looking in the browser’s address bar while editing the page in the admin area.

    Let me know if this does what you’re looking for.

    Thread Starter Yessicarr


    It works perfectly Kathryn!Tyvm!!
    I have got similar question,
    Have I to open a new post?


    The left and right margin’s are very big,
    Can I change this also?



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi there, if you are talking about the width of the content area, such as on this page, the following will allow you to change the content width, which is 660px originally.

    .single-jetpack-portfolio .entry-header, .page-header, .single-jetpack-portfolio .entry-content, .page-content, .page .entry-meta, .single-jetpack-portfolio .entry-meta, .comments-area, .post-navigation, .posts-navigation {
        width: 660px;

    One thing I will mention is that for readability, text content should generally be kept at around 500=750px. It’s actually a bit more involved than that, but that works as a general rule.

    If you have additional questions, yes please open a new thread.

    Thread Starter Yessicarr


    It’s ok, it’s works perfectly. But I don’t undestend why the pictures see more right that the rest of text.



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    To get things aligned and centered, we are going to have to make some changes to your table code.

    1. Edit each image in your table and set the alignment to center instead of none.
    2. switch to the text tab in the page editor and In the opening table tag remove the class="aligncenter" and instead put in ‘style=”text-align: center;”`
    3. In all the opening td tags, in the table, add this style="text-align: center;"
    4. remove all the non-breaking spaces you added before the names and replace with <br />

    What you should end up with is this: https://cldup.com/V_H45S1R2k.png

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