• Hello,

    My friend and I run a blog at https://www.ancienthistoryfacts.com

    I am a fairly advanced WordPress user and tweaker and I am very comfortable with making modifications and such.

    I was hoping that I could find someone that could offer me some advice on making a change to one of the core files which would allow me to set the TIME STAMP to a lesser year than 1900.

    It seems that 1900 AD is as old as I can post date something.

    Ideally I would also like to be able to do (-) minus numbers that will allow my partner and I to post date stuff BC.

    Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Best Regards,
    Garry Conn

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  • Thread Starter garryconn


    Sorry for the double post.

    I want to add some information to this ticket that may be helpful for the volunteer who decides to help me.

    Ancient History Facts is a blog where I want to write an article about particular facts or events that happened on a given date.

    So, if I write an article about a fact that took place in -535 BC I would like to edit the post TIME STAMP to the correct date.

    From there I am creating a time line in a custom archives.php page that has this code:

    <?php wp_get_archives(‘type=daily’); ?>

    From there it will give users a complete time line of ancient history facts sorted by date desc.

    Only problem is, the core setting doesn’t allow for this and when I attempt to use a date prior to the year of 1900 it will default out to year 1969.

    Thanks in advanced for your help.

    Best Regards,
    Garry Conn

    See this thread for a few options:


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