Pretty permalinks (%postname%) block wp-admin(login)
At we have a great situation at hand. Nothing changed and all of the sudden my customer gives me a call that he’s unable to login using wp-admin. Obviously I’m on to it and I got the same error: 404 Page not found.
I experienced this before with older versions and usually deleting .htaccess does the trick and so it this this time. After a couple of days the problem reoccurred and I deleted .htaccess again. Unfortunately after some time – a couple of hours later I double checked and it showed the same error.
For almost a week I’m trying to fix this and the website is in maintenance mode. Customer unhappy and I’m unhappy as I’m doing him a favour. I’ve read really a lot of topics on the forum and tried almost every option handed to me. This is what it comes down to and it doesn’t matter if I use a clean install (WP 4.4) or DB import (PHP 5.5.30), with plugins (Askimet, Contact Form 7 Datepicker, Fast Secure Contact Form, PDF Embedder, Robo Maps, WP Date Range) or without, standard theme (Twenty Sixteen) or personalised theme (Firmness), subfolder or root:
When using the standard permalinks ( I’m able to log in using wp-admin. When using I cant log in.
In the mean time I reinstalled WP into a subfolder and I’m intending to keep it like that.
I seriously need some help with this.
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