• Plugin Author Guido


    Dear users of VSCF,

    I have removed all translations in version 4.4 so plugin supports the language packs on this website.

    It might happen you will loose your translation after updating to version 4.4. Why?

    A language should be 100% translated (and approved by a language validator) before it’s available. If it reaches 100% you will receive an update notification in your dashboard. Currently many languages are still not fully approved. I’m sorry for that.

    If you still have the original translation (1 po and 1 mo file), you can temporary upload both files into folder /languages located at: wp-content > plugins > very-simple-contact-form



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  • Plugin Author Guido


    If you still have the original translation (1 po and 1 mo file), you can temporary upload both files into folder /languages located at: wp-content > plugins > very-simple-contact-form

    No, please upload both files to: wp-content > languages > plugins

    And files will be updated when a newer translation becomes available.


    Plugin Author Guido



    If you are willing to become a Project Translation Editor (PTE) for your native language you can contact me and I will arrage this.

    If you’re a PTE you are able to translate strings AND approve them as well.

    You can find all Very Simple Contact Form locales here.

    A language should be 100% translated before it’s available for all users. If it reaches 100% users will receive an update notification in their dashboard.



    I was looking on this form to see how I could change the sentence “fill in number…” to a Dutch sentence.
    I dont have a language plugin or whatever, my wordpress is in Dutch and all the other words I changed manually in the short code on the page.

    You said in a previous topic to solve it with a language pack, but now I see this and you confuse me ??

    Oh and while I have your attention, same question for the “thanks…” sentence.

    Dank! ??

    Plugin Author Guido


    When you install VSCF you will notice the language pack is also downloaded. If not, please go to the update page in your dashboard and check if a language update is available.


    Sorry, but I don’t get where I can find or edit these language packs. I don’t see it in editor, in plugins or any of the other… I just updated everything but that doesnt change it.
    When I look up other posts you point people to the language pack and it is solved, but where and how? ?? Sorry!

    Plugin Author Guido


    Please send me a message via my website so I can take a look at your website. In Dutch, is easier ??


    Plugin Author Guido


    Closing this because solved via mail.




    The captcha label is not translated to German. Customization via shortcut [label_captcha="xxx] doesn’t work anymore. (String is fine but captcha number is not displayed.)

    Plugin Author Guido


    Yeah, I’m sorry for that. I have changed that label.

    I did translate it already but it has to be approved.

    Meanwhile this will work:

    label_captcha="Nummer %s eingeben"

    So you should add the: %s




    Thanks for this very speedy reply ??

    The thing with the placeholder %s is great. Formerly (with the number at the end) it didn’t really fit with German syntax.

    BTW: The correct translation is “Zahl” (not “Nummer”). That is, for a proper German string you should do something like this: [contact label_captcha="Bitte die Zahl ?%s“ eingeben"] or simply [contact label_captcha="Bitte ?%s“ eingeben"]

    Plugin Author Guido


    I will change it.

    And for error message ‘Bitte die richtige Zahl eingeben’ and not ‘Bitte die richtige Nummer eingeben’?




    No ??

    You can’t say “Bitte die richtige Zahl eingeben.” The word “richtige” would occupy the syntactic place where you want to put the actual number.

    You have to say “Bitte die Zahl ?%s“ eingeben:” Or, more simple: “Bitte ?%s” eingeben:” (No need to mention that it is a number. Visitors are dumb, sometimes, but not so dumb ?? See my post above for some correct strings. [BTW: The quote signs are correct as they are; we use different quotes than the English ;)]

    And Yes, the word (in this context) is “Zahl”, not “Nummer”. “Nummer” in German implies some kind of order. Just like the English “number” does, too, sometimes. But the difference is that “Nummer” in German always implies order. You can’t use it in the sense of ‘digits’. Example: ‘Which Nummer did you get? — Oh, 23; I got 21, so I’ll be first…’.

    But in the case of this captcha there is no order involved. It’s just a random ‘Zahl’, ‘digits’. 836 is not better than 963. No order.


    Plugin Author Guido


    Hi Tom,

    I understand. But The ‘error label’ is static, in English:
    Please enter the correct number

    I cannot display the number there.
    So how should I rename that error label?

    I will change input label into: Bitte die Zahl %s eingeben

    And, eh, can I take another few minutes of your time? Could you translate these missing strings into German for me?




    And, eh, can I take another few minutes of your time? Could you translate these missing strings into German for me?

    What are you talking about. It’s you who spends many coding hours into this very nice plugin — for no financial reward. So, yes, of course, you can take some of my time. Pleasure.

    I’ll do it as soon as possible. I visited your link, the problem is that you have a whole bunch of strings there without context (not your fault, I know). Translating without context info is simply impossible. But I’ll try to do my best, and I’ll try to check out the context for each string, if possible.

    I understand. But The ‘error label’ is static, in English:
    Please enter the correct number

    I cannot display the number there.
    So how should I rename that error label?

    If I got you right, you have no option to set the variable into the middle of the phrase.

    In that case I would do this: “Bitte diese Zahl eingeben: ” The final colon (and the space afterwards) is important!



    Ah, sorry, you are speaking only about the error message. Sorry I didn’t get it.

    That’s simple: “Bitte die angezeigte Zahl eingeben.”

    Edit: Retranslated to English: ‘Please enter the displayed number.’

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