This plugin didn’t work for me at first, but after a quick look at the code I realised why…
If you’ve got WordPress configured so that you blog homepage is different from the directory you installed WordPress in you need to edit:
“HOTTA_DIR” and the location of tw-sack.js file.
For example if you have WordPress installed at:
but your blog address at:
(Check admin -> options -> general to see if this is the case)
If your site is configured like this then you need to edit hottaimoijiruna.php as follows:
line 38:
define ("HOTTA_DIR", "wp-content/plugins/");
change to:
define ("HOTTA_DIR", "/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/");
line 58:
[snip] /wp-includes/js/tw-sack.js"></script>
change to:
That worked for me, hope it works for you too.