• If I use instructions as per https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Child_Themes I can’t have a working child theme.
    Site is https://campingmonterosa.altervista.org/

    Can you help??


    [ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles' );
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
    Theme Name:     Camp-Maine Child
    Theme URI:      https://webdevelopment.tamstradingpost.com/themes/camp-maine/
    Description:    Tema Child per il tema Camp-Maine
    Author:         Qui il vostro nome
    Author URI:     https://example.com/about/
    Template:       camp-maine
    Version:        0.1.0
    /* =Theme customization starts here
    ------------------------------------------------------- */
    .widget-area {
    	float: right;
    	width: 26.0417%;
    	border-color: #E5E6E9 #DFE0E4 #D0D1D5;
    	border-image: none;
    	border-radius: 3px;
    	border-style: solid;
    	border-width: 1px;
    	background-color: #DDDDDD;
    .site-content {
    	float: left;
    	width: 66.1042%;
    	border-color: #E5E6E9 #DFE0E4 #D0D1D5;
    	border-image: none;
    	border-radius: 3px;
    	border-style: solid;
    	border-width: 1px;
    	background-color: #DDDDDD;
    .wc-shortcodes-button.wc-shortcodes-button-success:visited, .wc-shortcodes-button.wc-shortcodes-button-success {
    	color: #FFF;
    	background-color: #474C8A;
    	border: 1px solid #4CAE4C;
    .main-navigation li a:hover, .main-navigation li a:focus {
    	color: #EDEDED;
    	background-color: #E3582A;
    	border-image: none;
    	border-radius: 3px;
    	border-style: solid;
    .main-navigation li a {
    	color: #C8D848;
    	line-height: 3.69231;
    	text-transform: uppercase;
    	white-space: nowrap;
    	font-weight: bold;
    	font-size: 1rem;
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  • I checked your site at 1:48pm Mountain time and it seems to be working fine. I can see that your child theme is active and your child theme’s stylesheet is being picked up correctly. What exactly is the problem?

    Thread Starter amontag


    if you see the site in green it means that child theme is on but is not working, as background shhould be in blue. If you check it now, background is blue only because CSS Customizer has been activated.

    How do yoy check if chils theme is working?? Tnx

    Try temporarily adding

    body {
      border: 10px solid red;

    to your child theme’s stylesheet. If you see a giant red border around your site, your child theme is working correctly.

    Can you clarify exactly what your problem is? Your site’s background is blue and I don’t see anything in your child theme’s stylesheet that would change that.

    Thread Starter amontag


    I have inserted the lines but I don’t see any red line. If you check now, you will not any big red line.

    Resume: any modification in child style.css is not taken in account, you will see that child-theme is not changed to blue (green is the parent’s background) as per my modification.

    I can get required modifications only by switching on CSS Customizer plugin.

    Furthermore using Child theme Check plugin, it is reported that no changes in templates are detected.

    And I do not see any mistakes in my files.

    I don’t see any code in your child theme’s stylesheet that would affect the background color of your site. Try something like this:

    body {
      background-color: blue;

    Are you using a caching plugin? If so, you’ll likely have to temporarily disable your caching plugin and flush the cache before you’ll see any changes. Also, try force-refreshing your browser (see your browser’s documentation), in case your host is caching your site.

    Thread Starter amontag


    Theme Name:     Camp-Maine Child
    Theme URI:      https://webdevelopment.tamstradingpost.com/themes/camp-maine/
    Description:    Tema Child per il tema Camp-Maine
    Author:         Qui il vostro nome
    Author URI:     https://example.com/about/
    Template:       camp-maine
    Version:        0.1.0
    /* =Theme customization starts here
    ------------------------------------------------------- */
    body {
        background-color: #0C1289;}

    in the editor, but you will see that is not catched in my site

    Do you receive any error messages when you save the file? Have you tried downloading the stylesheet via FTP/cPanel/etc., editing it on your computer using a plain-text editor, and then re-uploading it?

    Thread Starter amontag


    no error, and I edit the file on my computer and I reload by FTP. I would say that is a problem with my provider. Tnx for your attentio

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