• The Weblicist of Manhattan
    has been a labor of love for me over the past year and a half. I have criss-crossed the island of Manhattan with my camera and have amassed a collection of over 3,000 photos in 400 series which I have categorized by neighborhood, landmark, neighborhood, event, etc.

    I have visitors from all over the world who come and browse my blog for hours at a time. I have received mentions from New York Magazine, am used worldwide by Sicis to show customers their work and have had some of my work scrutinized by The Museum of Modern Art in New York.

    During the summer I was able to post several series a day and tried to never let a week go by without posting at least a couple.

    Today I can post no longer. I upgraded to 2.3.2 from 2.1.2 without understanding the implications of the character set switch in the database. First I lost my categories, then I used a plugin to convert my database, my categories came back but I could no longer post.

    I have tried so many different things in the past few days but to no avail. I saved a copy of my database before converting but for some reason I can’t revert to it without erasing the current database and to me that seems crazy.

    If there is anyone out there who has any clues to what I should do please let me know.

    If not I am truly saddened and feel like a chunk of me has been cut out and thrown in the trash.


    Chris Brady

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  • Thread Starter zyxwvvwxyz


    PS, now the theme I use won’t stick either.

    It keeps reverting back to default.

    Usually, reverting back to the Default theme means there could be some illegal operation being caused by your existing theme and/or plugins.

    Do you have up-to-date versions of all your plugins installed?

    If you deactivate your plugins, one-by-one, can you then Write a post?

    Thread Starter zyxwvvwxyz


    I tried uninstalling all the plugins and going back to the default theme. no go.

    I am going to try to go back to the original state.

    If you do that, please make sure you have a good backup of your current database before you drop the tables and restore your old database backup.

    Thread Starter zyxwvvwxyz


    No such luck. I reinstalled 2.1.2 and used my backed up database. Again everything works on the site except for posting.

    Thread Starter zyxwvvwxyz


    I took a look at the tables and in 2.1.2, shouldn’t they all be latin1?

    here is the breakdown

    character set client 	utf8
    (Global value) 	latin1
    character set connection 	utf8
    (Global value) 	latin1
    character set database 	latin1
    character set results 	utf8
    (Global value) 	latin1
    character set server 	latin1
    character set system 	utf8
    character sets dir 	/usr/share/mysql/charsets/
    collation connection 	utf8_general_ci
    (Global value) 	latin1_swedish_ci
    collation database 	latin1_swedish_ci
    collation server 	latin1_swedish_ci

    Pre 2.2 blogs should not have the DB_CHARSET or DB_COLLATE definitions in wp-config.php. Is that your case?

    Also, if you upgrade that blog to a version after 2.2 you still should NOT have those values in wp-config.php.

    See Editing wp-config.php

    Thread Starter zyxwvvwxyz


    Sorry for the delay,

    I don’t have those definitions in my config.

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