• Hey there

    I’m relatively new to WordPress. I am using the Simple Business theme. Can someone help me accomplish the following 2 things? I’ve read the forums but the answers seem to be different with themes and years.

    1. How to remove the “Simple Business Theme Powered by WordPress” text in the footer.
    2. How to remove (or replace) the host icon in the title tab.

    Thank you so much

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  • You could edit the PHP file producing the footer and delete the offending text. Are you looking for a GUI solution?

    hi @twitch,

    Solution to 1.

    – log into your dashboard goto Appearance -> Editor
    You’ll see a list of files on the right of one open file, choose ‘Theme Footer’

    Once you see the file footer.php is open find and remove following code:

    [ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]

    <p id="credit"><a href="https://www.nimbusthemes.com/wordpress-themes/simple-business/">Simple Business Theme</a><?php _e('Powered by', 'nimbus') ?> <a href="https://www.ads-software.com">WordPress</a></p>

    Go down and click ‘Update File’ button

    Check now: the unwanted text is gone!

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    No, don’t do it that way. You will lose all of your changes if the theme is updated.

    Create and activate a child theme first.


    Then make a copy of that footer.php file into your child theme directory and edit that copy instead. That way when the theme is updated your changes will still be preserved.

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