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  • Theme Author ThemeAWESOME


    Hey there,

    Yeah you can do that, you just have to modify the right files and add the proper css.

    Thread Starter theticus



    Yer.. i know I have to modify the files and css but can you be a bit more specific about the location of the files and sample code so that I can play around with the position.

    Thanks in advance.

    Theme Author ThemeAWESOME


    Sure that would be the header.php file. When you look at this file, you will see different elements that you will have to target.

    All you have to do is find those elements in the css file and modify to your liking.

    Hope this helps.


    still concerning the header: I use an image as logo instead of the site title, but the header then becomes very high. Would it be possible to add in the next update some advanced configuration options without the need for us to modify the CSS (I am not able to use the CSS language):

    1. possibility to modify no only the width but also the height of header/menu and content area.

    2. possibility to change the size of all fonts

    3. possibility to change the hight of the sidebar widget

    The theme is very nice, but overall all elements appear to be too big (in some cases the main page content goes below the line of the main area).



    Theme Author ThemeAWESOME


    Hi there,

    I’m glad you think the theme is nice, however I am a little confused by some of the items you pointed out:

    I use an image as logo instead of the site title, but the header then becomes very high.

    Not sure what you mean by this

    possibility to modify no only the width but also the height of header/menu and content area.

    What are you trying to do?

    possibility to change the hight of the sidebar widget

    I’m sorry but this makes no sense to me?

    but overall all elements appear to be too big (in some cases the main page content goes below the line of the main area).

    What do you mean by this? Do you have an example?

    Also, whenever you have concerns or would like to make requests, it is always best to start your own thread as to keep the topics as well as the poster separate.

    Please let me know. Thank you.

    Thanks for your reply.

    I basically mean that size of the constitutive elements of the theme (in particular the size of the fonts size the spacing between page elements like logo, top bar and main content box) are too big. Fro instance, it is very easy that a post title goes splitted in two lines, because the fonts are very big. Also in the sidebar widgets are too spaced from each other. The problem with site name/logo: if I don’t use a personalized logo, the distance between the site title and the rest of the page is acceptable. If I use my logo, I get the post content starting well below in the inferior half of the screen (which is also bad for indexing). One word again: the elements of the theme are generally too big and we would like to have the chance to change them without programming the CSS.



    Theme Author ThemeAWESOME


    Ah I see what you mean and now I understand.

    Adding options to control everything adds what many call code bloat.

    For example, you mentioned you would like the option to control the spacing between the widgets. In order to do this I would have to add roughly 18 lines of code to customizer.php where as I only have to change one number in style.css. This is something I will not do.

    I am however adding other options to control various aspects of WP-Forge customizer.php, many of them are font and color related.

    Some of the other options you mentioned, are in my opinion, options that are not needed in the customizer and totally unnecessary. I do thank you for taking the time to offer these suggestions.

    I would like to offer a suggestion of my own if I may, I think you need to learn css. This is crucial, especially in web site development. Many of the changes you are requesting could easily have been taken care of, to your liking, within minutes. Its super easy to learn.

    Thats all it is, just a suggestion. Again I thank you for making these suggestions as well as for using WP-Forge.

    As always, enjoy!

    Thread Starter theticus


    Howdy Author,
    Please revisit the initial request at the top.
    Pls tell me where I went wrong.

    As you said, I looked at the header.php and found that ‘site-title’ is the CSS name that I have to change its properties.

    I have been fiddling with the CSS and nothing is changing. I have wp-starter as a child theme and I have been using the following in child theme style.css {
       position: absolute;
       top: 100px;
       left: 50px;

    Valuse are dummy only at this stage.

    Or easiest way is to take the misery out of me is to tell us te solution pls?

    Theme Author ThemeAWESOME


    Hey there,

    Unfortunately I do not have the time to assist everyone asking me “how to” questions.

    This is covered here

    I do apologize for the inconvenience.

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