Can`t change text color or font size from theme options
When changing colors or font size and pressing save, following error appears and no changes will be saved. What to do? Error: There was an error while compiling CSS. The message returned was: variable @calendarTitle is undefined in file /home/yourtheme/public_html/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/public/themes-ai1ec/vortex/less/user-variable-map.less in user-variable-map.less on line 31, column 33 29| @dropdown-link-hover-bg: @dropdownLinkBackgroundHover; 30| @input-color-placeholder: @placeholderText; 31| @calendar-title-color: @calendarTitle; 32| @today-color: @todaycolor; 33| @allday-badge-color: @alldayBadgeGradientMiddle; 34| @event-image-shadow: @eventImageShadow;
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