• advanceme


    Hi WordPress,

    Your constant updates and notices are fast becoming a pain in the you-know-what.

    Just when we get things working smoothly with a current version, you start hollerin’ about critical updates! And updating is no simple thing when one has made important modifications in critical areas of an already installed and functioning version. It also causes problems with other things, like older plugins and themes. Painful.

    I mean, I know this is supposed to be for our benefit and all, but it’s too much and it makes me (and others I’m sure) think twice about really committing to WordPress much more in the future, in favor of more stable paid programs that don’t go out-of-date as soon as you get them installed and working, or at least provide for smooth automated software updating without disturbing local customizations.

    My 2¢.


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  • My 2¢

    Change the way you think of updates. There are punks out there who do nothing but find ways to exploit the code. How much would you have to pay for an international team of professional, full-time programmers to patch these exploits, and notify you that some idiot found a new way to screw with you, and YOU CAN FIX IT FOR FREE?

    MS and APPLE and the rest, do constant updates to their software for the same reason. I welcome the updates. In fact, THANK YOU WP TEAM FOR THE UPDATES!!! Some of these updates fix exploits that are so creative it’s crazy!! Beware of programs that never have updates unless you are a VISTA programmer. It’s perfect right out of the box! hehehehe. If you make adjustments in internal code, as I do, make notes. Then compare updated files. For me, it’s worth the time.

    As for major updates, I install a test version, offer feedback and over the course of a few weeks, determine whether or not to update the full version to my production sites.

    Growth is a good thing, unless it’s on your skin.

    If you want to use something that never updates and still looks the same way it did 10 years ago try blogger.com ?? Just sayin..

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