• srvr4sb


    I’ve installed wp & find in view-source: this snippet of code below; why is this here?


    <script type="text/javascript">
    //var mab_boot_url  = "https://api.rawautoprofits.com/api/wsv2?command=adStrings&app=minimab";
    //var mab_boot_url  = "https://api.rawautoprofits.com/api/wsv2?command=adStrings&app=minimab&release=26";
    //var mab_boot_url = "https://api.recomme.me/api/wsv2?command=getURL&resource=ad_strings";
    var mab_boot_url        = "";
    var mab_boot_url_path   = "/api/wsv2?command=getURL&resource=ad_strings";
    var mab_boot_url_domain = ""; //This should be something like "https://my.domain.com" or "https://my.domain.com"
    var mab_cache_url   = ""
    var mab_mid_url     = "";
    var mab_guid_url    = "";
    var mab_update_url  = "";
    var mab_version_url = "";
    var mab_appid_url   = "";
    var mab_domain_url  = "";
    var mab_mid = null;
    var mab_guid = null;
    var mab_version = null;
    var mab_version_version = null;
    var mab_version_release = null;
    var mab_appid = null;
    var mab_injectFlag = false;
    var mab_responseText = null;
    var minimabArgs = null;
    var mab_viewGUID2 = 'none';

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