• gantico


    Hi Pascal,
    it’s a lot of time that I’m not giving you any feedback, so here I am! Is it possible to control the alert message which notify the user that they need to install the Flash player? I would like to display an alternate image instead of the standard message, ideally by default the same image used as posterframe by the JWplayer.

    I started to visit sites with my iPod Touch (the same it’s true for iPhone) and they look spectacular, but unfortunately Apple doesn’t allow to install Flash. Since they just said that it won’t happen even in a near future, this will be an emerging issue.

    My idea is to keep using Flash video because I believe it’s the best way to deliver video over Internet, but I would love to have a seamlessly displayed alternate image and a separate link to the QuickTime version of the video, (like I did here)

    thanks again, pbembed flash rocks!!!


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  • pasber


    Hi :).

    So you want to modify the “You need flash…” message on per-flash basis and want to display an image instead?

    Possible is everything, it’s just a matter of time :). I’ll look if I can add something like that this week-end, but it should be available not later then next week (I’m home from thursday).

    Thread Starter gantico


    yes, I mean, given this code:
    [flash myvideo.flv f={image=myimage.jpg}]

    it would be fantastic if automatically it was displaying the image specified as posterframe plus the standard message explaining that you need flash…

    super thanks again!

    => rc5.1

    Enable/Activate the new Option in Options/pb-embedFlash->Messages.

    Now, there should be displayed the image defined for JW FLV Media Player in the same width and hight as the player for clients not allowing the object-tag – hopefully ^^. If there was previously displayed a text, the image should work, too.

    The class assigned to the image is “alternativeimage”, but I could change it to a better one.

    Thread Starter gantico


    Thank you Pascal. I finally tested it on an iPod Touch and it works, but there is a little bug. The images are stretched 20px in height, because the plugin is using the same height given for the whole JWplayer, (which has a control bar of 20px).

    With small images it is more evident, expecially if they contain faces or logos, like here:

    In that page the alternative images for the 6 square videos have width=”208″ height=”228″, instead of width=”208″ height=”208″.

    Since we are on the argument, it might be more savvy to change the way are called the FLV files. It would be more intuitive to write directly the height of the video files instead of calculating the extra 20px for the control bar. I know that this means that we’ll have to update all the previous posts calling flv files, but on the other side this will prevent a worst pain in the future if JWplayer changes the default size for the control bar (it could happen also if you skin it) or in case a better player comes out in a near or far future…

    What do you think?

    I think that the new feature for the default alternate image is great for google purpouse as well, it might be cool if there was a way to control the alt=”” or the title=””.

    I could add 20px to the code outputted for the flv player. This was in previous versions far ago – either I dropped it or it was lost… I don’t know :).

    The (real) width&height are sent to the player anyway (inc.functions.php, around line 167), so the videos itself are not streched – the flash codes don’t need to be updated, because (afaik) the control bar overlays the video instead of stretching it.

    I’ll make some coding now ;D

    I checked the JW Media Player website and I found the reason why I dropped the +20: By adding height&width to flashvars, the player knows how much space it can use to display the video.

    As far as I unterstand you, you added +20 to height to each video? Do you use the overstrech flashvar?

    Maybe I didn’t got the problem yet oO. All videos work fine for me by giving the player the real height&width as flashvar. There is no stretching and the control bar just seems to overlay. JW himself does it the same way (code on the bottom).

    Thread Starter gantico


    Yes, exactly, I had to add 20 extra pixel in height in order to have videos and “poster images” at the right size (but not the alternative image for people without flash…).

    I double checked it and tested it again, and I’m quite sure about the issue using the latest pb-embedFlash 1.5 (rc 5.1) with the contained JWL FLV Media Player 3.15.

    Changing the overstrech flashvar in pbembed options just changes the face of the problem: the image and video are either cut at the top or stretched in height.

    I prepared a testing page for you, so it might be easier to spot the issue:

    Thanks for the patience.

    Yep, now I see, thanks!

    So you “just” need a +20px for the player in the script? ?? That’s possible. JW automatically determies the height&width of flv files, but it does need to know the h&w set for itself (some problems on IE if not).

    => rc5.2. It took some time because I wanted to complete Flashbox compatibility (now supporting flashvars, too).

    Please tell me if the auto-20px is working properly!

    Thread Starter gantico


    yes, yes, yes! Now it works perfectly both the embedding of flv (without the need of adding 20px in height) both the alternative image for people without Flash.

    Thanks for the great support.

    I guess that it might be helpful to communicate this feature-fix-update for other people using JW with your plug-in. We all have to correct the height in previous posts but it will be worthwhile.

    Thread Starter gantico


    just tested also with WordPress 2.5 and everything seems ok.

    The admin panel needs some advancements for WP 2.5, e.g. widgets and admin popup. But basically, it works, yes.

    Since pb-embedFlash 1.5 is still beta/rc, a detailed change log will be announced with the final release. Latest (but not all) changes can be found in “Other Notes“.

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