• Resolved nandiniii


    Hi. I have a blog on Fashionistas theme. I have added the popular post widget in the sidebar but the thumbnail sizes are very small. Please tell me how to increase the size. The link to my blog is https://perkymegs.com

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  • Try this custom css:

    .widget-entry-thumbnail img
    {width:70px; height:70px; margin:3px 10px 0 0}

    If your theme does not have a setting where you can enter custom css, you can use a plugin like this one:

    Thread Starter nandiniii


    Hi. Thanks for the prompt reply. The above code is working fine for all the older posts that I have imported from blogger to WordPress however, for the latest posts in WordPress, the images are getting blurred and not looking good. You can see that under the latest tab that the first two images are very blurred and the rest (imported from blogger) are fine. Can you please help to resolve this?

    If you go to Admin page > Settings > Media, what size is set for thumbnails? If its less than 125 x 125, increase it to that, then regenerate thumbnails:
    If the setting is already 125 x 125 or bigger, I’m stuck.

    Thread Starter nandiniii


    Its already set as 150 x 150. Is there any way I can resolve it?

    Are you certain that regenerate-thumbnails was run after the setting was last changed? If you are not sure, run it again. It won’t hurt, though it might take several minutes.

    Thread Starter nandiniii


    Yes I have run it again using the Plugin ‘Regenerate Thumbnails’ ,however, that doesn’t make any difference. The thumbnails are still blurred for the new posts on WordPress. Please suggest a resolution.

    Look for line 43 in:
    and change the two 50s to 150s:

    add_image_size( 'thumb-small', 150, 150, true );

    See if that works.

    Thread Starter nandiniii


    I am using child theme in which functions.php contains some coding for YARPP and nothing else. Moreover, I have already written this code in CSS file:
    /* Image Styles */
    .entry-thumbnail img {
    width: auto;
    height: auto;

    Does this code effects the code you mentioned above. I cant figure out how to copy above code in functions.php file?

    My code suggestion is a small edit of line 43 in functions.php in your parent theme, the file at:
    Just change the 50s for 150s.

    A parent theme works where its not overwritten by a child theme. What is happening is that the parent theme is setting up custom thumbnails for posts. Because these are custom sizes, their sizes cannot be controlled from the settings at admin page > settings > media.

    Once you have altered the custom size for the “thumb-small” size in the code, the thumbs will be produced at 150. At the moment they are being produced at 50 and then stretched to fit the 150 space, hence blurry.

    Your css code controls how the image appears but does not control the size of the image that is sent to the browser.

    I’m not sure but another regenerate thumbnails may be needed after you have altered the custom size.

    Thread Starter nandiniii


    Hi! I am not sure whether changing anything in the parent theme would be appropriate as I have read at many places that parent theme should not be touched at all. After updation of the parent theme, all the changes will be lost! Rather I would be happy to insert some code in my child theme. Is that possible?

    Yes that’s right but this would be a quick test. If it works then the choices would to either alter the line each time you update the theme or conconct a function for the child theme functions.php. But I’d like to see if we are on the right track first.

    can u please define your widget plugin name without setting or customize this display small size image.

    this one coming 50*50 now based on Viewport.

    Ravi patel

    @nandini, make customize this.

    function.php add

    add_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_srcset_meta', '__return_null' );


    <?php the_post_thumbnail( 'thumb-small', array( 'title' => get_the_title() ) ) ?>


    <?php the_post_thumbnail(array(100, 100),array( 'title' => get_the_title() ) ); ?>

    Thread Starter nandiniii


    @Iorro, I have made the change in my parent theme functions.php file however, its still the same. The images are still blurry.

    Thread Starter nandiniii


    I couldn’t understand which code to copy and where. Can you please elaborate? Do I have to copy in the parent theme or child theme?

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