What a coincidence. I was just over at the wordpress.com forums (I like to keep up with what’s happening on the other side of the tracks) where I was following an interesting thread on whether or not wordpress.com will allow its userbase to utilize Google AdSense. There are some people over there that think it will happen even pointing to some interview Matt gave in Greece. I can see it now – thousands of Blogspot sploggers stampeding over there to setup clone blogs complete with nonsensical posts about asbestos, mesothelioma, online marketing and whatever else. Of course this will only further encourage the other folk who know jack about blogging yet have Google ads plastered all over the place (you’ve seen them) trying desperately to monetize that $0.14 a week.
If it’s true I hope Matt knows what he’s getting into. Anyway, apologies for the off-topic observation and on to the topic at hand.
That’s pretty convenient being that i don’t know HTML.
Well now is the time to learn. If you want to run your own DOT COM there are many things you’ll have to learn. If you simply want a plugin go to the WordPress Plugin Repository and dig around. By the way, the Codex is rich with information.