You not nerfherder. You scoundrel.
These aren’t features but you can make it work with a little jQuery.
Do you know how to create your own javascript file and enqueue it to the page? Here’s the javascript you would need:
$('span.ssfa-bulk-action-engage').text('Label Here');
}, 500);
Where it says “Label Here” is where you type the label you want to replace the “File Away” text on the action button. The other thing will trigger a click on the “Enabled/Disabled” toggle link after 500 milliseconds (1/2 a second). You can change that to 0 or any number of milliseconds you like.
Here’s how to enqueue the javascript to the page.
1. Save the above script to a new file called: ‘custom-file-away.js’.
2. Upload ‘custom-file-away.js’ to your theme’s primary directory (e.g., wp-content/themes/yourtheme)
3. Add the following to your theme’s functions.php:
class my_custom_scripts
public function __construct()
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'scripts'));
public function scripts()
$pages = array('page-slug1','page-slug2','page-slug3',);
if(!is_admin() && is_page($pages))
wp_register_script('custom-file-away', (get_bloginfo('template_url').'/custom-file-away.js'), array('jquery'));
new my_custom_scripts;
Change this line:
$pages = array('page-slug1','page-slug2','page-slug3',);
to reflect the page slugs, or the page IDs, of the pages where you have your File Away tables, and thus your javascript will only load up on those specific pages.