Event Calendar WD problem display event description
Dear WebDorado,
Event Calendar WD problem display event description
Product = Event Calendar WD Pro Version 5.0.50
A lot of my events show nothing all for their specific description, almost each one of them.
And I can’t find why so I request your help.Have a look at one of these events not displaying correctly :
= https://www.parisgratuit.com/event/exposition-lappel-du-froid/
= https://www.parisgratuit.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=3672&action=edit
Title : exposition L’appel du froid
Exhibit starting date 19 March 2016
Exhibit ending date 17 July 2016I gave you WordPress admin access (webdorado) to my website PARISGRATUIT.COM
= https://www.parisgratuit.com/wp-admin/And I join a screenshot of the obvious display problem :
= https://www.parisgratuit.com/webdorado/Webdorao-Event-CalendarWD-20160323-problem-event-calendar-description.pngIt looks like your program display problem occurs most likely on week-end days.
I previously contacted you about this problem on 2016-02-25.
Marie Gendron
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