• There is a message at the top of my blog that says “A new version of WordPress is available! Please update now.” I wouldn’t mind if it was only on the dashboard but it’s on EVERY page.

    I upgraded to 2.5 but didn’t like it (it was less intuitive to me and more of a “for dummies” feel) but now that i downgraded back this message won’t go away.


    PS. I still love wordpress of course!

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  • I’m not sure what exactly to remove, but from what my fairly uneducated mind can tell(I heart wordpress in the obviousness of what code means), you need to open wp-admin > includes > update.php and get rid of lines 28 – 40, these seem to be the ones that define the site, and that you need to update the nag.
    I’m not sure, but after you do this, it might complain that it can’t find this nag file, so back it up, if it does complain I’ll go find where to get rid of the rest of the entries.

    there is a plugin that accomplishes removing the upgrade message:


    (found through google; it knows all)

    In wp-admin/includes/update.php, you can find:

    $msg = sprintf( __(‘A new version of WordPress is available! Please update now.’), $cur->url );


    $msg = __(‘A new version of WordPress is available! Please notify the site administrator.’);

    delete the words you don’t like (just leave a space there) and it’ll solve the problem.

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