Okay. I had SiteGround (my server host) investigate the issue a bit further. Here is their response:
“In order to allow more time for the optimization to execute properly, I added the following code in your .htaccess file:
<IfModule mod_dtimeout.c>
SetEnv DynamicTimeout 300
This should increase the value to 300. However, it brought the optimization up to the 14th image (batch of 20 images) and the execution was halted once more. The application is constantly retrying the optimization steps which is resulting with the same error.
In order to complete the optimization, I would recommend that you perform it on smaller batches as the only other way to do is if we increase the Apache Timeout which on shared platform cannot be done as it will have dire effect over all of the customers hosted on the same GoGeek server.
The timeout can be increased only if you are not sharing the available resources with another customer and this is possible with Cloud Accounts and Dedicated Servers which you can upgrade to from your User Area -> Add Services -> Upgrade.
Should you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.”
Perhaps an idea for a future update of EWWW Cloud would be to automatically divide large batches into smaller ones? So 20 image batches gets sliced into e.g. 5 image batches. I think this would help solve this time-out issue.
Best regards,