• Hello, dear community!
    I am a newbie regarding CDN issue. However I run a middle sized games-online catalogue and as far as I understand my site should apply CDN practice for faster and proper performance.
    I am a total newbie to CDN issue and what I found is CloudFlare FREE CDN plugin. It looks like easy yet free solution for my WP gaming site.
    But I am afraid if there any threat to lose my DB/HTML Cache/Loadtime speed once I set up the cloudflare plugin. I have read recently that cloudflare may hurt the loadtime, do not know if that is true.

    So, the question is what do you think on Cloudflare for a WP, especially for a gaming platfrom. Should I use CloudFlare or it does have some bad sides and can down my speed/db/htmlcached?

    Brief info on my WP site:
    shared hosting
    Users play HTML5 games
    Bad loadtime speed and looking for a CDN solution.

    So, would you recommend me CloudFlare?

    Thank you in advance guys!

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  • Cloudflare will not help much if you don’t solve some other important issues…
    Leverage browser caching

    And try using CSS sprites for your images.

    You have over a hundred http requests. You should reduce them into 25 or 30
    When using sprites you will make 1 background picture from all your images.

    I don’t think cloudflare can help you if you don’t solve those problems.

    Combine javascript and CSS also

    Thread Starter Playsterr


    Hey Djenci Duquene,
    Thank you for quick reply and I have learnt something new regarding this CSS sprite idea.

    Can I manage this with some CSS Sprite WP plugin? I am looking for some quick and easy way. Hope it can be solved with some WP plugin.

    I Guess there is, me myself have no experience with css sprites because i’m not using 30 images on one page ??

    Also you need to cache your images. They are not cached.

    But reducing the http requests by using sprites will help.

    And try to combine javascript because you are using plenty…

    [link moderated – keep support on this site Forum Rules.

    Thread Starter Playsterr


    Oh, cool I am going to read that article and find something new for me that will work.

    That’s strange that my images are not cached since I am running the WP Super Cache plugin. As I undertand it must cache whole front page and the images as well.

    Make a copy of your .htaccess file

    Edit your .htaccess file, leaving the .htaccess-copy file untouched (for when you make a mistake)

    copy this code in your .htaccess

    <IfModule mod_expires.c>
    ExpiresActive On
    ExpiresByType image/jpg "access 1 year"
    ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access 1 year"
    ExpiresByType image/gif "access 1 year"
    ExpiresByType image/png "access 1 year"
    ExpiresByType text/css "access 1 month"
    ExpiresByType text/html "access 1 month"
    ExpiresByType application/pdf "access 1 month"
    ExpiresByType text/x-javascript "access 1 month"
    ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access 1 month"
    ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access 1 year"
    ExpiresDefault "access 1 month"

    Your images and so as everything will be cached

    Thread Starter Playsterr


    Definitely will try it.
    Thank you Djenci Duquene for your contribution and for your blog too.

    The following cacheable resources have a short freshness lifetime. Specify an expiration at least one week in the future for the following resources:

    Sorry I was not looking carefully.

    They are cached but have a short caching time (you can set images to a much longer time) In this htaccess example it’s 1 year.

    Because usually an image will not be edited

    Thread Starter Playsterr


    I see, will try this htaccess trick.
    Yet another question, could you please tell me what is the best tool to get the real loadtime for US/Europe zones? Would be greater if the tool makes analysis and provides some insights and tips for further improvements.
    The point is, I have tried a lot of them and it is all the time different load time. As average for US I have 4-6 seconds and 5-8 seconds for EU as far as I understand.

    So, any ideas what are the most reliable laodtime analyzing tools?


    gtmetrix.com is the most complete but uses canada

    pingdom tools is using Amsterdam and Stockholm but is not giving much information on what you could change


    This is your report on gtmetrix

    Using Gzip will save you 50% of loading time

    Thread Starter Playsterr


    OMG, it is about 10 seconds. This loading time kills the site.

    However it is strange again. I tried gtmetrix and my report shows only 2.2 seconds, you can find the print screen https://prntscr.com/alctsn

    Well, anyway I am looking for this Gzip usage. What is the best way to implement the gzip? ANy plugins?

    Thanks. Again.

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