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  • Thread Starter xanathon


    Well, it seems with the myriads of bugs that came with the introduction of WP 2.5 (you only have to look around in this forum) something like this seems to be a minor problem.

    To me it is a major nuisance and with the way the backend and editor design decisions go, it seems to me I have to look for another blogging software.

    It was fun while it lasted.

    Thread Starter xanathon


    I checked the site with firebug and got nearer to the problem.

    It is not a problem with the thumbnail generation at all, since no thumbnails are created. The original image is inserted and just scaled down by html-parameters to thumbnail-size.

    This is not wanted of course, since the frontpage-size and loading times are bloated with this downscaled but not reprocessed images.

    Obvioulsy the media manager does not reprocess the images into thumbnails. The rescaling leads to low quality thumbnails.

    Further the media manager radiobuttons to position images in the article (left, middle, right) have no effect and I have to position the images again in the editor via the image-button.

    All suggestions from the sticky concerning the image manager have been read and tried if they applied. No change.

    Maybe someone could at least recognize this problem. And frankly: I don’t want to read anything about “it’s not a bug it’s a feature” or “your server is the problem”. 2.3.3 worked just fine; yes, I know, “WP 2.5 is in fact a new software”. So what? Don’t fix it if it ain’t broken.

    It is not a problem with the thumbnail generation at all, since no thumbnails are created. The original image is inserted and just scaled down by html-parameters to thumbnail-size.

    Are you sure? In my upload-folder my pictures are in three sizes – original, width 300px and 150x150px.

    Thread Starter xanathon


    Yes, I am sure. first: I checked the sourcecode, second: if you rightclick with firefox and choose “show picture” the fullsize image is shown.

    xanathon, what I found was this. Previously created thumbnails are not auto imported and converted into the new system. Yes, they will show up under the media gallery, but they will not use auto generated thumbnails from the new system. To do that, you must re-upload the pic via the new editor to get the new thumbs.

    Hope that helps.

    Incidentally, I was one of the critics of the thumbnail quality as well. For me, I’d much rather that option of selecting whether to use imagemagick or not, rather than the inherent ones with PHP, as, quite frankly, it is inferior quality to that of Imagemagick, and certainly offers far less options in terms of filters, (contrast, sharp/unsharp, erc).

    Thread Starter xanathon


    Hello Rongo, thanks for your reply. Yes, I’ve read your comments about the image quality while I’ve searched for a solution for my problems.

    Regarding the scaling: nope, the problem also exists with newly uploaded images.

    Aside from that it’s absolutely crackbrained by the developers to code an update that is not able to use the existing image repository. Now I have to reupload pictures that are already on the server just to get them as a thumbnail again? Gimme a break!

    I certainly hope someone will take over the sourcecode of 2.3.3 and create a fork of WordPress that works again and again has the old ergonomy and usability in the backend and editor.

    Thread Starter xanathon


    After quite some fiddling I managed to reinstall the database- and filebackups of my 2.3.3 installation.

    What shall I say: Everything works fine again, plus I’ve got back a usable and ergonomic backend.

    Now I have time to look for an alternative to WordPress in the case that the devs stick with their wrong design- and code- decisions and there really will be no longer security-updates created for 2.3.3, as announced.

    Frankly, I do not care if 2.5 was virtually rewritten from scratch and is praised as much better than before. Too many things do simply not work with the same server- and client-config as before. The problems lie in the new version and you cannot in earnest demand from all users to bug their hosters until they change their server-config to the developers liking. That is plain stupid, i you forgive me to express my opinion in clearness.

    For what it’s worth, my 2.5 has been properly creating thumbnails that are the proper size:

    *cough* never upgrade a live site with software you haven’t tried before *cough*

    That’s what test installs are for.

    Thread Starter xanathon


    Schlaumeier :oP

    It’s that feeling I give you which will remind you not to do it next time ??

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