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  • Plugin Author CoastMountain


    Dear CoolDavidoff,

    I’ve answered your post in 54 minutes, as you can see we care about WP Full Stripe Free inquiries as well.

    Apologies for not sending a reply but ___we haven’t received your message/email___ .
    May I ask you which website you used for sending the message? or

    We care about inquiries, and also about customers.
    If you take a look at our forums and comment board you can see that we always try to help, and also in a timely manner (within 48 hours):

    Regarding this post:

    It was written by the previous owner of the plugin, and we left it there.
    I would not solicit reviews directly like that.

    Please send your question to [email protected], and we will answer your question in merit, and quickly.


    Thread Starter CoolDavidoff


    “I’ve answered your post in 54 minutes, as you can see we care about WP Full Stripe Free inquiries as well.”
    It wasn’t a Free version enquiry, but for the paid version. That the free v can’t do it we saw.

    I posted a week ago through your own submit form at mammothology, the only link in the plugin. If your own customer enquiry form doesn’t work, it would be beneficial to check why. The customer DOES get a green confirmation aka received, thank you.

    “It was written by the previous owner of the plugin, and we left it there.” – Oh! You here come up as “Mammothology, Member, Plugin Author”, and the (other) person’s thread exactly the same. If the plugin changed hands to a new author it bears obviously significant additional risk for the integrity and quality of the plugin.

    Not knowing that, my enquiry or rather improvement suggestion (guessing that indeed your/his plugin *cannot* do what we need) was:

    1) Can a default donation amount be set, which the donator may overwrite? Or at least, choose from set amounts (say $10, $20, $40) to overwrite the default of say $5?
    (in the free version it’s only either set amount, OR variable input). We currently have it: default with free overwrite. It works.

    2) Can it be adjusted to be pre-filled with the user’s currency? We currently do this, it works (using geolocation data from ip2nation).

    3) Can the design be so far customized that the form gets more minimized (eg name etc get hidden too), like the original stripe donate form (the slim blue one)? The free v requires a lot of needless input which leads to needless dropouts during the process. We currently require only: card number, valid. date, code, and amount. It works. If user chooses bitcoin, it’s only the amount and bitcoin.

    4) automatic/wordpress akismet ran testing: Letting donators use a slider to make an unhappy smiley face happy, this generated (by far) the highest donations. Can your/his plugin integrate such slider with “smiley” images (other images)?

    As indicated, we have stripe working as described above (1 – 3). The sought improvement is: jquery (avoids extra page, thus avoids dropouts) – yours has, and the “experience” for the donator (the experience to move a slider causing a visible impact).

    If any of the above your/his plugin cannot do …. see the points as improvement suggestions (because that’s what they are).

    Hoping for your brief reply, Thank you.

    Plugin Author CoastMountain


    Hello CoolDavidoff,

    Anwers to your questions in order:

    1) WP Full Stripe has a “Select amount from list” payment type that can be used to choose from set amounts.

    2) The plugin does not have this functionality.
    The currency used for payment forms is a global setting.
    The possibility of having different currency per form is coming in a release in the near future.

    3) You cannot minimize the forms at the moment.
    For payment forms the minimized configuration consists of: name, email, card data (number, expiry, cvv).

    4) Could you please show me an example of this slider?

    Thanks, Cheers,

    Plugin Author CoastMountain


    Hello CoolDavidoff,

    I hope you are well.

    I haven’t heard back from you for some time.
    I’m marking this topic as resolved.


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