• Hello,

    I apologize if this is simple or covered in another post. I’ve searched and searched. I’m pretty new to WordPress, web design and blogging. I’ve created a new site using the Longevity theme. I’ve created a child theme also. Longevity appears to have blog settings built in but I’m not sure what it’s controlling exactly. Also, I can’t figure out how to edit the /blog portion of my site.

    My website is https://www.allthingsnate.com and I’ve setup a blog menu that is fed from a page I’ve setup. If you notice, it points to https://www.allthingsnate.com/blog-2 and if I try to rename that and take off the “-2” it will not allow me. If you type in https://www.allthingsnate.com/blog it shows a page with large images in the center of the page. I can’t figure out how to edit this page or correct the issues and get rid of -2 so it just shows /blog

    Can someone please help?

    Thanks so much.


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  • Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    Hi Nathan….no need to apologize.

    The theme has option settings to give you the layout, but the rest of the blog settings are what WordPress has in the admin area under the “Settings” main menu. Not quite sure what you mean by edit the blog portion of your site; you mean the posts, or other admin type settings?

    It looks like you made a page for your front page of your site and made another page for your blog posts. But I’m also not quite sure what you are wanting to do with the URL of /blog/ and /blog-2/ ?

    Ultimately, if your blog page you made is just “Blog”, then when you drag that to your custom menu, then that is all you need to do.

    Thread Starter Nathan


    Thanks so much for the reply. What I’m trying to do is get rid of the /blog-2 and have just https://www.allthingsnate.com/blog and I’m not sure how to do that. The https://www.allthingsnate.com/blog-2 shows what I want but I just want it to say /blog I’m also not sure how I created what it currently shows on https://www.allthingsnate.com/blog and those images.

    Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    If that page with the image centered is not a page you want, then you need to go to “Pages” in your admin, and look for that, then delete that page. Then go to your menus and delete that blog menu item. Then, in the left side while in your menus, add the “blog” page to your menu.

    Then, go to Settings >> Reading >> and make sure your posts setting is set to use the page named “blog” (if it’s there of course.

    Just out of curiosity, what pages do you currently have made in your site?

    Thread Starter Nathan


    That’s what I thought but all I see there is the current page and it’s labeled /blog-2
    There are plenty of pages that were loaded via boldgrid that I need to delete. Maybe I deleted the original Blog page? If that were the case, I would think it would allow me to rename and remove the -2. There are no pages in trash. When I go into the current Blog page and try to edit the Permalink to remove the “-2” it comes right back and will not work.

    Thread Starter Nathan


    My pages listed are … (No Title) – Front page, I have No title because I don’t want it to say anything on my home static page.
    Then… About page, activate page, activity page, Blog page the says “Posts page” in bold. This is the same one with permalink /blog-2
    Then a Contact page, a post-430 page (not sure why I have this), members page, and register page. Like I said, I need to delete most of those. I’m currently just using the untitled Home page, the Blog page and Contact.

    Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    In a nutshell…WordPress will display the blog (posts) on the front page by default. If a user wants the blog in the site and have a normal page for the front of the site, then you would create two pages — unless they are already made of course:

    1. one for your front page
    2. one for your blog posts to display in

    Then, you would go to your main menu and add both pages to your menu, click Save. After this, you would then go to Settings >> Reading >> and then at the top area, you set which page is to be your front page and which one will be your blog page.

    After this, then you can go and make all the pages you want and post all the posts you want ??

    This might help, which is what is called a Static Front Page:

    What you really don’t want to do is to start changing permalinks from the page editors. If anything, go to Settings >> Permalinks

    **Definitely want to make sure there are no pages in the trash either because they can cause permalink issues.

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